Why does cellulite appear?

It's all about metabolism and our female body structure. This means that everything depends on the important role played by the hormonal factor. In fact, it can be argued that the formation of cellulite is due to the presence of the hormone estrogen in the female body. And the more of this hormone our body contains, the greater the likelihood of developing cellulite. The risk of this disease increases many times during puberty, pregnancy and menopause, since it is during these periods that the greatest hormonal changes occur.

Why is this happening? Female estrogen hormones play an important role in creating conditions for the formation of cellulite by positively influencing the development of adipose tissue, and also contribute to water retention in the body, which occurs mainly in the pelvis and thighs.

Another problem associated with hormones is the accumulation of toxins. Namely: Estrogen has a specific purpose: it prepares the body for the conception and gestation of a fetus. Once a woman becomes pregnant, the amount of estrogen circulating in the body drops. But after birth control pills were invented in the 60s and hormone therapy became widely used, the level of hormones in the female body turned out to be much higher than what was inherent in nature.

In short, our hormones transport waste products from vital organs to places where waste products will be safe for the body. But ironically, these places are precisely our legs and butt. And that is why cellulite gradually forms in these parts of the body.

In addition, excess estrogen increases the body's predisposition to accumulate unwanted fluid in the body. In addition, our body is not able to distinguish which hormones (and as you know, birth control pills are made from synthetic hormones), natural or synthetic, are in our body, which means the level of hormones only increases. But an excess of hormones inhibits metabolism, and if during normal metabolism toxins are quickly removed from the body, then where metabolism is slowed down, decay products accumulate faster than our “cleaner” - lymph can remove them.

So it turns out that excess hormones inhibit the elimination of toxins and they accumulate where we would not like them at all. The chances of orange peel ripening increase dramatically.

Toxins accumulate, water accumulates, and it is in the fat cells under the skin, as a result, the skin in these places becomes hard and rough, that is, similar to cellulite.

But at first the skin will be soft, and if the process progresses over the years and you do not take any measures, then the skin will gradually harden. And the harder the area of ​​cellulite deposits feels to the touch, the more difficult the process of getting rid of it will become for you.

So, it is in the cells of cellulite fat that a huge amount of waste is stored. The cell walls become thicker than the walls of ordinary fat cells and the substances responsible for the breakdown of fats and “clearing” these debris cannot penetrate such a cell. Fat is full of toxins! The cell walls become thicker, and access to them becomes more and more difficult - as a result, the “orange” is ripe.

Another factor that is directly related to hormones is that the female body does not cope with various abuses as well as the male one. Excessive consumption of nicotine, caffeine and alcohol leads to the fact that hormones, performing their protective functions, transport all waste and toxins to safe parts of the body so that we can survive in this situation.

The removal of all decay products away from vital organs occurs in those places that are not so important for the body. Places where the heart, liver, and kidneys are not located, that is, in the legs and buttocks.

We can draw a simple conclusion: the formation of cellulite occurs due to deterioration of blood circulation and when the body can no longer independently and naturally get rid of toxins. If there is cellulite in the body, it means lymph