What equipment should you not use in the gym?

Recently, scientists are increasingly saying that not all exercise machines are equally useful. Moreover, many of them can lead to injury because they only stress one muscle group at the expense of others.

Hochu.ua will tell you about 5 unnecessary exercise equipment, and how to replace them usefully and for free.

  1. Lying leg press

Our legs are definitely strong. And lifting more than your own weight seems to be easy. The problem is different - the load on such a simulator mainly falls not on the legs, but on the lower back, which is no longer good. At the same time, there is no load on the reed, nor on the buttocks, nor on the shoulders. Risk? Intervertebral disc herniation.

What to replace: Squats. Regular squats put a moderate load on the legs and at the same time do not injure the back, which also receives its share of the load.

  1. Seated leg extension

The rollers in the exercise machine are quite large and heavy, and the leg muscles really pump up, but the damage caused to the kneecaps is incomparably greater. In addition, according to experts, pumping itself in this position does not greatly help strengthen the legs.

What to replace: Steps up. Go to a chair or armchair at home and begin to stand on it with either your right or left foot, always with a straight back. It works not only your legs, but also your glutes and hamstrings.

  1. Seated chest press

The problem with the simulator is that a priori one of your arms is naturally stronger. Accordingly, you will work better with it. As a result, the weak hand will remain less powerful.

What to replace: Push-ups. In this position, you won’t be able to transfer the load to one hand unless you are super strong and know how to do push-ups on one hand while holding the other behind your back. In addition, when performing the “plank” there is an excellent load on the abs and gluteal muscles.

  1. Thigh pumping

This exercise works a very small group of muscles, but at the same time your spine, and even more so the kneecaps, which rub the joints, are not very comfortable. So there is less benefit than harm.

What to replace: Squats on one leg. Yes, let's face it, the pistol exercise is not a simple exercise, but it gives an even load on the hips, buttocks, and leg muscles. If you have difficulty getting up, help yourself by holding onto a chair or wall.

  1. Weighted calf raises

Before giving a positive result for your calf muscles, the exercise machine with a heavy load will have time to cause a lot of damage to the spine. You probably won’t become a hunchback, but with regular exercise you are guaranteed to get back pain.

What to replace: Standing on your toes/"bicycle" (can be done with dumbbells). For variety, try standing up by alternating legs while placing your hands on your waist.