Scientists have announced the parameters of an ideal woman

What should an ideal woman be like? How much to weigh, what height, what body proportions? These questions concern many people and cause a lot of discussion. However, recent research allows us to get a more accurate picture of the ideal parameters of the female body.

According to recent studies, the ideal woman should have a weight-to-height ratio of approximately 77 kilograms per 170 centimeters. However, achieving these parameters does not necessarily have to be done through strict diets and training. It is important to simply lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right and not limit yourself in food.

Additionally, research shows that most men prefer women with narrow hips, long legs and large breasts. Such body proportions are often associated with femininity and beauty.

However, we should not forget that beauty ideals change over time and differ in different cultures. For example, some countries traditionally value fuller women, while other countries favor thinner figures.

In addition, there are social problems associated with being too thin. Some countries around the world are already passing laws banning the use of overly thin models in advertising and on the catwalk. This is because being too thin can lead to various diseases, such as anorexia, and contribute to the spread of negative stereotypes about beauty and health.

So, the ideal woman is not only certain body proportions, but also a healthy lifestyle, self-confidence and harmony with the world around her. It is important to remember that each person is unique and beautiful in their own way, and that ideals of beauty may vary depending on cultural and social factors.