Christmas tree can cause asthma and allergies

When the winter season arrives, many people begin to prepare for the New Year, one of the symbols of which is the New Year tree. However, according to a recent study by American scientists, the New Year tree can cause allergic reactions and breathing problems for some people.

Dr. Lawrence Kurlandsky noticed that during the New Year holidays the number of complaints from asthmatics and allergy sufferers increases. This may be because the Christmas tree is a source of spores and fungi that can cause an allergic reaction.

The analysis showed that the bark and needles of Christmas trees can contain more than 50 types of fungi, and when the tree stays in a warm room, the number of spores on it increases by more than 6 times. An allergic reaction caused by Christmas tree or pine can resemble hay fever.

Although the problem affects a small percentage of people who may be allergic to Christmas trees, experts recommend taking precautions. If you suffer from allergies or asthma, you can replace your live Christmas tree with a plastic one to avoid unpleasant consequences. This way you can enjoy the holiday without risking your health.

In general, the New Year tree remains one of the main symbols of the Christmas holidays, however, if you have allergies or asthma, you need to take precautions so as not to spoil your holiday and do not put your health at risk.