What is a fitness tour

Lately, so-called fitness tours have become increasingly popular. This type of recreation combines active sports and a pleasant pastime. Fitness tours are an excellent alternative to passive relaxation on the beach.

When preparing for vacation, most women go on a diet and work out hard at the gym in order to show off their ideal forms on the beach. However, upon returning home, stepping on the scales, it becomes clear that the vacation left a mark not only on our memory, but also on our sides. If you find yourself in a similar situation, we advise you to try to rest differently.

Who needs it

Fitness tours involve active recreation. This doesn't mean you'll sweat until you're exhausted in the gym and eat only vegetables. Everything is much more pleasant. This can be a vacation, both abroad and within our country. You will have the opportunity to see the sights, enjoy the sea, the sun or breathe the clean mountain air. But at the same time, you will still exercise and eat right.

You will be able to improve your well-being, physical fitness, and find new friends. There are also programs that provide psychological training. An experienced instructor will always be by your side. In addition, you can go on a tour with the whole family. Even if your household doesn't want to do a fitness program, they'll just be there for you. Their holiday will not be affected in any way by this.

Types of fitness tours

Fitness tours do not depend on the holiday season. Of course, most of these tours take place near the sea, but in winter you can choose a trip to the mountains. There are two types of fitness tours: narrowly focused and combined. The first ones involve studying in one direction. For example, you study a certain type of dance, or do yoga. In the second case, the tour program is more extensive and rich. You can try different types of fitness: Pilates, stretching, aerobics, running and much more.

Important nuances

A fitness tour usually includes: meals, accommodation and a fitness package. If you are flying abroad, then flights and transfers are also included in the price. If not, pay for the travel yourself. The cost of the tour is affected by the country where it is held, the season, and of course, the level of the instructor himself.

What to take with you? First of all, high-quality sports uniforms. And several sets. Two pairs of sneakers, just in case. Also, try not to wear new shoes to avoid blisters and chafing. Fitness trainers recommend having your own yoga mat. Firstly, not all hotels can provide this convenient item, and secondly, it is safer from a hygiene point of view.

Even a beginner can go on a fitness tour. The main thing is to find out what loads a particular program is designed for. Now there are a huge number of tours of different directions, and everyone will find something they like. Typically, such trips last at least seven days so that you can see the results upon return.