Exercises after childbirth

So, 9 months of pregnancy are over. The baby is in your arms - you are happy. But when you look in the mirror, you increasingly come to the conclusion that it’s time to take care of yourself. It is clear that during pregnancy a woman’s body undergoes significant changes. After childbirth, the recovery process begins. However, even with a healthy and trained body, this process lasts several months. And you always have to help yourself get in shape.
It is important that after childbirth you do not lead an overly passive lifestyle. It is clear that now you are tied to home, because the child requires a lot of time and attention. But even in such conditions, you can start taking care of your body. Physical exercise will help mobilize internal resources.
In the first 4 weeks after giving birth, it is better not to do any exercise. After a month you can start training. But don't torture your body with intense workouts. This way you can only do harm. It is better to gradually increase the load and time of training.

Strengthening the stomach and waist
Lying on your back, raise your legs at right angles. Place your hands behind your slightly raised head. Tighten your back and buttock muscles. Alternately push your legs forward - slowly and forcefully, as if you are being resisted. Start with 6 times and work your way up to 20 times.

In a standing position, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Straighten your back, as if you were suspended by the top of your head. Grab your right wrist with your left hand. Raise your arms above your head. Keep it like this for 3 counts. Then lower it down. Change your hand. 5 times each.

Shaping the hips and buttocks
While lying down, place your left leg on the knee of your right leg. Turn the thigh of your left leg outward. Pull your right knee toward your chest until you feel an intense stretch in your thigh. Keep tense for 5-10 breaths. Lower slowly and relax. Change your leg. Perform the exercise 3 times on each leg.

In a position on your side, bend your knees. Hold the ball between your knees. Raise your body using your hand. Place your free hand behind your head and stretch in that direction. Squeeze and unclench the ball between your knees. Start with 10 times and increase to 20 times. Switch sides.

Strengthening your back
Get on all fours. Spread your knees to the sides. Place your hands shoulder-width apart, bend your elbows and spread them apart so that your fingers point at each other. Tighten your stomach. Slowly lower your torso all the way to the floor,