Doctors named the threats that await us at home

As it turns out, a threat to our health may be hidden in our own “fortress,” that is, in the house. Scientists have compiled a list that includes four “pests” that should not be ignored.

Domestic parasites. Flies are excellent spreaders of E. coli, salmonella and even cholera. Cockroaches can contaminate food and cause asthma. Mice are known carriers of parasites and various microbes, and rodents also transmit infection through their feces.

Asbestos. It is a well-known durable fibrous material that has fire-resistant as well as insulating properties. If inhaled, it can cause cancer. The EU and America have already banned its use.

Carbon monoxide, which blocks the flow of oxygen into cells and causes acute poisoning. Sometimes this leads to death.

Mold. Most of its species are not dangerous if left undisturbed. However, upon contact, mold spores end up in the air, and if inhaled, there is every chance of developing asthma, an allergic reaction, or a rash.
