Four exercises for beautiful hands

Beautiful hands are an essential attribute of a slim figure. What exercises will help your arms lose weight, and also create muscle relief on them, read in our material.

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Very often you can see a picture where a girl has a slender figure, but the condition of her upper arms leaves much to be desired. It is noteworthy that there is a body type in which this area is the first to suffer at the slightest change in weight. And visually it doesn’t look entirely aesthetically pleasing. If you have a normal diet and you watch what you eat, do simple exercises to lose weight in your arms 3 times a week.


Before starting the workout, you need to do a simple warm-up: perform wrist rotations 20 times in each direction, then switch to elbow rotations 15 times in each direction, finish the warm-up with 10 rotations of the entire arm (10 in each direction). This is a very important part of training, which helps to slightly warm up the muscles and prepares them for strength exercises.

Push ups

A classic exercise for strengthening your arms is push-ups. They come in several types, but each subtype works great with hands.

To perform the exercise, take a “lying position”, turn your palms slightly inward, and start doing push-ups. Make sure your lower back doesn't sag. To do this, you need to tense your abs and buttocks well. Get down as low as you can while keeping your body level.

If you find it difficult to do the classic push-up, lower your knees to the floor, this will make the process much easier. However, don't forget to support your lower back.

Perform three sets of 15 repetitions

Triceps push-ups

This exercise is designed for triceps. For it to perform its function, it is extremely important to perform it correctly. To do this, turn your back to a bench or chair and grab it so that your body is suspended, while your hands should be shoulder-width apart. Feet are on the floor, also shoulder width apart.

Slowly bend your elbows so as not to damage anything and return to the starting position. The exercise is performed at an average pace.

Perform three sets of 20 repetitions.


The plank is a great exercise for working your arms. And not only. If you do it regularly, you can significantly improve the condition of your abdominal muscles and buttocks. In addition, the plank has a beneficial effect on the general psychological state: it improves mood and relieves depression.

To perform the plank, lie face down on the floor, take a deep breath and exhale, as you exhale, bend your elbows 90 degrees, and take the “lying support” position. It is very important that your elbows are strictly under your forearms. During the exercise, rely only on your hands and toes. The legs should be together.

Make sure your body is straight. To do this, pull in your buttocks and tighten your stomach. If you relax something, your lower back will automatically tense up and this can lead to injury.

Hold the bar for at least 30 seconds, add 10 seconds with each workout until you reach the two-minute mark.

Side plank

To perform a side plank, lie on your side with your arm bent at the elbow. As you exhale, lift your body up, leaning on your arms and feet. Place your other hand on your belt. Be sure to tighten your buttocks and abs so as not to sag.

This is a rather difficult exercise, but doing it will make you lose weight not only in your arms, but also in other parts of your body. To begin with, try to hold the position for 15 seconds, constantly increasing the exposure time.

Watch online video Exercises for beautiful hands