Group fitness classes: what they are and who they are suitable for

Group fitness classes are a great way to fight excess weight, train endurance, and also have pleasant communication with like-minded people. Modern fitness clubs offer various types of group classes, which are divided into several types depending on the type of load.

Aerobic classes

Aerobics is a set of rhythmic exercises that are performed to active music. Exercises must be performed to the beat of musical accompaniment. Rest in this type of training is minimal, the result is achieved through constantly performed aerobic movements. To be successful, you need to train for at least 60 minutes. This direction is suitable for those who cannot sit still, like to move, and also want to lose weight and strengthen their body.

If you have back problems, pay attention to water aerobics. Regular aerobic classes can make back problems worse.

Power classes

Strength training is designed to promote muscle growth and increase body weight. However, if you combine strength training with the principles of aerobic exercise, you get an interesting symbiosis that will help burn off fat and create a slight muscle definition. Of course, you won’t become Arnold Schwarzenegger by doing strength classes, but it’s easy to get not only a thin, but also an athletic figure. Strength classes include such areas as BodySculpt, ABL (for hips and buttocks), ABX (for abs) and others.

Dance classes

Dance classes are suitable for those who love to dance. In many fitness clubs, dancing is adapted to the needs of clients for weight loss and the result is so-so dance aerobics. If you want to study some kind of dance, you better enroll in a dance school. And for those who just want to have a good time and lose a couple of kilos, classes at the fitness club are suitable. You can choose what you like: Latin dancing, belly dancing, body ballet, pole dancing, strip dancing or a combination of several styles. Although you won’t lose a lot of weight through dancing, you will definitely be able to develop femininity, flexibility, and improve your figure.


Cycle is a great way to lose weight. This is an exercise on ergometer bicycles, which are located in the hall. The instructor adjusts the load on the bikes and selects music that inspires maximum effort. Classes are taught in a group setting, which encourages competition and effort. The bike is suitable for any level of fitness, as everyone can adjust the load on their bike.


Yoga is an exercise for the body and mind that helps improve flexibility, strengthen muscles and relieve stress. In yoga classes you don't need to move quickly, there is more emphasis on proper breathing and slow, smooth movements. Yoga is suitable for anyone who wants to relieve stress and improve their physical condition.


Pilates is a set of exercises aimed at strengthening muscles, especially the core, improving flexibility and coordination of movements. Unlike strength training, it uses gentler exercises that do not put stress on the joints. Pilates is suitable for people of all ages and fitness levels.

How to choose a group lesson?

Choose a group activity that suits your physical abilities and goals. If you're just starting to exercise, choose a lighter form of exercise, such as yoga or Pilates. If you are already training and want to strengthen your muscles, strength classes or cycling are suitable. Dance classes are a great way to add variety to your workout and enjoy movement. But remember that to achieve good results you need to exercise regularly and follow the correct diet.