Innovative approaches to fitness and modern trends

It happens that a person is active in himself, but cannot take up any sport. Usually, this is due to the fact that training seems to him a monotonous and monotonous activity. However, leading a sports lifestyle is useful. There is an alternative way to combine business with pleasure: Zumba.

For those who prefer dancing and having fun, Zumba will be an excellent option for toning the muscles of the body. Zumba is a fitness workout that is gaining popularity in Western countries. In European countries and the USA, Zumba is included in the basic program of many sports centers and dance studios. The fact is that this type of fitness has a positive physical effect on the body, and also charges people with positive energy.

  1. How did Zumba come about?
  2. What is the difference between Zumba and other dance and fitness training?
  3. What types of Zumba are there?

How did Zumba come about?

The emergence of Zumba dates back to the nineties of the twentieth century. Colombia is considered the birthplace of this type of fitness. The founder of Zumba is known, his name is Alberto Perez. This man combined Latin dance movements and sports exercises aimed at physically strengthening the human body in one fitness class. Alberto is known to collaborate with such world stars as Shakira and Jennifer Lopez.

At first, when conducting Zumba classes, instructors used only Latin American movements. But as this direction of fitness training progressed, elements of other dances began to be used in it. For example, hip-hop, ballet, etc.

What is the difference between Zumba and other dance and fitness training?

First of all, it is worth saying that Zumba is a cardio workout, so it will be effective for those people who want to lose weight, tone their muscles and model the desired silhouette.

During training, a person repeats movements that carry physical load. Since this is done to a certain musical rhythm, the selected cardio load affects the person. Everything together gives a good effect to keep the body in excellent physical shape. The body's endurance increases.

At the beginning of the training, movements are studied, which are then performed in the desired rhythm to musical accompaniment. Thus, during a Zumba class, a person switches from one activity to another. This ensures that the workout is carried out at a fun pace.

This fitness training is similar to a dance lesson, but its difference is that such a dance includes special exercises that are aimed at working certain muscles.

What types of Zumba are there?

There are several areas of Zumba:

  1. Classic Zumba. This type of training takes place to the tunes of Latin American songs and includes elements of samba, salsa, and so on.
  2. Continental Zumba. This version of Zumba also includes dance movements, but is adapted to a specific society. Other dance styles can be added here, such as hip-hop, go-go, etc. It all depends on the social environment where the lesson is held.
    The instructor is faced with the task of giving a positive attitude to those people with whom he conducts training, so he makes adjustments in the musical accompaniment and dance direction.
  3. Tonus-Zumba. This type of workout is aimed at sculpting your figure by burning more calories. Therefore, the emphasis here is on physical activity. It is also possible to complicate the training by introducing special sports equipment to increase the load.
  4. Aqua Zumba. From the name it is clear that this type of training is associated with water. Aqua Zumba takes place in the pool. This type is suitable for those people who strive to achieve greater results, but do not have sufficient physical strength to do this. This category includes overweight people, women who are expecting a child, as well as those who have ailments related to joints and physical activity is contraindicated for them.
  5. Tonic-Zumba. This direction is designed specifically for children. The movements are adapted to their age capabilities. Usually classes are held in a playful way, with special musical accompaniment, which children will enjoy and will make the lesson even more fun and invigorating.

Stay with us. There is still a lot of interesting things ahead.

I wish you all excellent muscle growth and progress in training!

See you in the rocking chair!

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