Being tall and overweight can lead to cancer

Research shows that the taller and more overweight a woman is, the greater her risk of developing ovarian or breast cancer. This is confirmed by the results of a study conducted by the Joint Ovarian Cancer Epidemiological Study Group at the University of Oxford and published in the journal PLoS Medicine.

Researchers analyzed data from 47 studies involving more than 100 thousand women from 14 countries. Of these, more than 25 thousand women had ovarian cancer, and 81 thousand were healthy. As a result of data analysis, scientists came to the conclusion that there is a direct connection between a woman’s height and weight and the likelihood of a fatal disease – cancer.

According to the study, with every 5 centimeters of a woman’s height, the risk of the disease increases. That is, the taller a woman is, the greater the risk of getting cancer. In addition, a high body mass index also brings women closer to the painful threshold.

However, one should not assume that a woman's height and weight necessarily lead to cancer. Several factors can increase the likelihood of the disease, such as smoking, alcohol consumption, critical age, time of first menstruation, duration of menopause, use of oral contraceptives. However, high height and weight may also be risk factors.

Ovarian and breast cancer are serious diseases that require months of treatment and can lead to death. Therefore, women should monitor their health and undergo regular medical examinations. It is also important to maintain a healthy lifestyle, including a healthy diet and regular exercise. These steps will help reduce your risk of cancer and improve your quality of life.