How are anthropometric measurements taken of bodybuilders?

The term "bodybuilding" is of English origin. Translated into Russian, it literally means “body building.” That is, bodybuilders are engaged in building their bodies through special physical exercises. Everyone wants to look attractive. It is very rare to meet people who, in principle, would not like their biceps to become a little larger and their waist to become smaller.

Anyone who has ever seen a bodybuilding competition knows that the process goes like this: athletes, individually and then in groups, go on stage, take certain poses, and a strict jury evaluates them. Have you not focused your attention on the fact that very often it is not the athlete who wins who has the largest muscle volume? A good example is Canadian bodybuilder Paul Dillett. Huge growth with huge “banks”. But he was never Mr. Olympia. And why? Yes, because there were athletes standing nearby whose figures looked more harmonious. The anthropometric data of which were better.

When you come to the gym, look around. You will notice many people who have been training for more than one year, but whose body structure cannot be called harmonious. For example, huge hands against the background of a thin neck or a huge top against the background of an undeveloped bottom. In order not to fall into the same situation with your own physical development, you need to know what anthropometric data is and how anthropometric measurements of bodybuilders are carried out. We will tell you about this in detail now...

Basic rules and nuances of anthropometric measurements.

But determining the parameters is not so easy. A special set of rules has been developed for this:

  1. To take measurements, you should use a regular measuring tape. If it is not there, then you can use a thick thread and a regular ruler;
  2. It is best to take measurements in the morning. The body is still “cold” and the muscles are in a relaxed state. If anthropometric measurements are taken at different times of the day, the data will be inaccurate. After all, after training, the volume of the muscle will naturally be greater;
  3. The measuring tape should not be pulled too tight. But it shouldn’t sag freely either. It should be remembered that these measurements are mainly for you. So there is no point in deceiving yourself by trying to embellish the results;
  4. measurements should be taken several times in the same places. And then the assessment will be more accurate.
  1. Neck measurements. The mid-transverse line of the neck is determined.
  2. Chest measurement. You should take 3 measurements: the first time you should inhale deeply, the second time you should exhale deeply, and the third time in a normal state. Apply a measuring tape to the chest muscles. Approximately at the level of the nipples. When measuring, place your hands along the body.
  3. The waist is measured at its narrowest point.
  4. Shoulder volume. The arms are bent at the elbows, the muscles are tense. Measure the widest circumference.
  5. Forearm assessment. The widest part of the brachioradialis muscle is measured.
  6. We measure the thigh. Directly under the gluteal muscles.
  7. We measure the shin. The widest part of the calf muscle.

You should know that the anthropometric data of bodybuilders is greatly influenced by genetics, when large volumes of muscles are not naturally given, and their impressive and rapid growth and other parameters and indicators are responsible. However, you can try to correct nature’s mistake, which is what we sincerely wish for you! Bring your body to perfection! Become perfect and flawless! And we will help you in this matter...

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