Effective ways to combat fatigue


Based on the description provided, I prepared an article:

At the end of the winter season and with the onset of spring, our body is completely exhausted from the lack of sunlight and vitamins. Mood is below zero, apathy, general fatigue that accumulates every day, lack of strength to do anything. I want to sleep all the time and not go anywhere. Coffee no longer helps, work brings neither pleasure nor satisfaction. Everything is annoying.... Stop! You need to stop, pull yourself together, pull yourself together and not let depression set in.

How to deal with fatigue:

  1. Replace coffee with green tea with lemon, lime or ginger. Ginger warms well.

  2. Stop eating your bad mood with unhealthy food. Switch to a balanced diet, but without strict diets.

  3. Take vitamins if you haven't before.

  4. Get enough sleep. 8 hours of sleep will restore strength.

  5. Take a cold shower - it stimulates brain activity.

  6. Take a walk in the fresh air, change your surroundings, do pleasant things.

  7. Visit the sauna, go for a massage - this will help you relax.

  8. Attend cultural events and get positive emotions.

  9. Do fitness - it will relieve stress and give you a boost of energy.

  10. Love yourself! A positive attitude is the key to success.

  11. Sometimes just relax on the weekend instead of doing household chores.

With a pleasant mood and a charge of vigor, coping with fatigue is much easier! Take care of yourself.