Running in winter: what you need to know?

When the temperature outside is low, it is almost impossible to force yourself to go to the gym or even go for a run. But cold and fresh air perfectly harden the body, and training in such conditions has an even better effect on our health than in hot weather. Therefore, winter time is not a reason to give up physical exercise, but on the contrary, it is the right time to strengthen the immune system. Before you go for an early morning jog on a frosty morning, you need to learn a few rules.

Choice of clothes

Dress for running in three layers: thermal underwear, raglan, preferably fleece, a jacket or vest, light and not too bulky. Choose the right thermal underwear: it should fit snugly to the body and have as few seams as possible, since moisture accumulates in the seams and heat loss occurs. Choose a fleece hat or a balaclava that completely covers the lower part of the face and neck. Particular attention should be paid to shoes: winter sneakers should not allow moisture to pass through and have non-slip soles. And don't forget about gloves or mittens.

Skin care

To protect your skin from chapping, 15-20 minutes before jogging, be sure to apply nourishing cream to your face and hygienic lipstick to your lips.


Exercising before a run will warm up your muscles, which will significantly reduce the stress on your joints while running. Also, warmed muscles become more elastic, which will protect you from possible injuries.

Safety regulations

To avoid catching a cold, you should not “swallow” cold air, but try to breathe through your nose. If this doesn’t work, slow down your jogging pace, which will make your breathing even and calm. While jogging, do not take short breaks or rests so as not to “cool down.” If you are tired, walk quickly. After training, do not drink cold water, but rather take a warm shower and drink tea.