Perfect bust. How to check your breasts?

Beautiful and healthy breasts are the dream of many women. To have it, you need to regularly care for it, do exercises and cosmetic procedures. But it is also important to periodically check your breasts for suspicious changes. In this article we will tell you how to care for your breasts and how to properly conduct a self-examination.

Exercises for beautiful and firm breasts

The breasts contain no muscle tissue and are supported by skin extending from the base of the neck. Therefore, developing the pectoral and back muscles is the only way to strengthen your bust with special exercises. Swimming, volleyball, tennis are just those sports that train these muscles. One of the most effective exercises is squeezing a ball with outstretched arms. Lifting dumbbells also works well.

Cosmetic procedures for breasts

Special breast firming products, which are now produced by many manufacturers, can make your breast skin more attractive, soft, youthful, and, if necessary, tighten it more. Apply the cream twice a day in a circular motion to your chest and neck, never stretching the skin, because you may do more harm to your breasts than good. It is also very useful to take a cold or cool shower, which strengthens blood vessels and makes the breast skin elastic and firm. If you cannot decide to take a cold shower, then use pieces of ice and rub them over the chest and neck area. This procedure will provide you with a good lifting effect. Oil wraps and cosmetic masks also promote better metabolism and improve breast skin. Apply the masks in a thick layer to the skin until completely dry.

Self-breast examination

In addition to breast care, it is necessary to periodically conduct home examinations yourself in order to avoid unpleasant diseases, which can be very dangerous if you do not pay attention to changes in the breast in time. Stand in front of a mirror, take off your bra and check for stains. Look to see if any bumps or bulges have appeared on your breasts or if the shape of your nipples has changed. Raise and lower your arms and notice the enlargement or reduction of one of the mammary glands. Conduct an independent self-examination; to do this, you need to lie on your back, put one hand behind your head and place a small pillow under the shoulder blade on the same side. Feel the breast with the fingers of your other hand, starting from the edge of the breast to the nipple and then in a circle. Repeat the same on the other side. Look for lumps, lumps, swelling, or discharge from the nipple. If you notice any changes, be sure to consult your doctor.

How to take care of your breasts

To keep your breasts healthy, you need to protect yourself from injury, abortion, and direct sunlight on your breasts. Take hormonal contraceptives with great caution. A proper balanced diet without fatty, fried and spicy foods also contributes to breast health. Those with a family history of breast cancer on their mother's side need frequent breast examinations. A visit to a gynecologist, mammologist, breast ultrasound and mammography should become mandatory.


Breast care is not only a beautiful appearance, but also health. Regular exercise, cosmetic procedures and self-examination will help keep your breasts beautiful and healthy for many years. Remember to take care of your health and consult a doctor if there are any changes in your breasts.