Spicy herbs will help you look younger

Spicy herbs will help you look younger

There is no person in the world who would not want to preserve youth as long as possible. Among women this desire is even stronger. We put a lot of effort and spend a lot of money to delay the aging process as far as possible. But we all do this and aren’t we wasting our money? Perhaps the secret of rejuvenation is completely different? Revolutionary news for your attention: Spicy herbs will help you look younger!

Many scientists agree that antioxidants help people maintain youth. Essential oils contained in herbs can be effective antioxidants. Researchers from the Moscow Institute of Biochemical Physics decided to conduct experiments with the essential oils of the spicy savory plant. It turned out that the natural antioxidant of this traditional food seasoning has a noticeable positive effect on the body of laboratory mice, and may be able to rejuvenate both animals and humans.

Essential oils, which are found in many herbs, can act as antioxidants - compounds that neutralize toxic oxygen radicals, which, according to a common hypothesis, cause aging of the body. Researchers from the Institute of Biochemical Physics studied the effect of savory essential oil on oxidative stress parameters in laboratory mice. Experimental results have convincingly proven that essential oil, if added to drinking water and inhaled air, increases the concentration of beneficial polyunsaturated fatty acids in the brain and reduces the risk of developing cancer in animals.

Savory was well known to the ancient Greeks and Romans. In the manuscripts of Virgil there are recommendations for using it in food to flavor it. It was especially popular in England, Germany, Scandinavia, etc. The ancient Romans knew this plant both as a seasoning and as a medicine.

Savory must be used carefully so that its strong bitter-spicy taste does not dominate everything else. The aroma of savory is also strong. Fresh and dried stems and leaves are used in cooking; they are not crushed, but used whole, otherwise they give dishes a bitter taste.

In medicine, savory is used as part of herbal preparations for flatulence, diarrhea, and for stomach and intestinal spasms. Brewing the fragrant plant reduces pain and relieves spasms of the stomach and intestines. Recommended for kidney, liver, gallbladder diseases, as well as diabetes.

Savory leaves contain essential oil that has antibacterial, insecticidal and anthelmintic effects. The herb is used as an aromatic, carminative, and also for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

So, the spicy herb savory, thanks to the beneficial substances it contains, can help preserve youth and beauty. Add it to your diet to maintain health and well-being!