What health problems can ozone therapy help solve?

Ozone therapy is a relatively new treatment method in modern medicine. In this article we will look at what it is and what health problems ozone therapy can help solve.

Ozone is a modified form of oxygen. Unlike a regular oxygen molecule, which consists of two atoms, the ozone molecule contains three atoms. It is the additional atom that gives ozone its healing properties.

Ozone has an antiseptic, immunostimulating and regenerating effect. It is used for the following health problems:

  1. Gynecological and obstetric problems - for the treatment of inflammatory processes, threat of miscarriage.

  2. Cosmetological problems - for the prevention of aging, treatment of acne, cellulite, sagging skin.

  3. Surgical problems - to speed up recovery after surgery.

  4. Traumatological problems - for the treatment of burns, wounds.

  5. Infectious diseases - ozone kills bacteria, viruses, fungi.

Ozone is introduced into the body in various ways - intravenous injections, applications to the skin, and in the form of ozonized medications. The use of ozone is safe and does not cause side effects.

Thus, ozone therapy can effectively treat a wide range of health problems and can be used in the complex treatment of many diseases. This is a promising method that is increasingly used in medicine every year.