Exercise equipment for home

Movement is life. To stay healthy, physically strong and agile, you need to exercise regularly. It has long been noted that active people are more successful. What can we say about professional athletes, who need to experience enormous loads every day.

This article will tell you what types of home exercise equipment there are, and what you should pay attention to when choosing them...

There are many options on the sports equipment market with different capabilities. How to choose and what is right for you? Which exercise machine should I buy for my home? Let's find out below.

The first step is to make a choice between several optimal options. The most popular are exercise bikes and treadmills. Trampolines are becoming increasingly common in private homes. You can't ignore children either! Special mini-sites have been developed for them. We will describe each of the options in detail.

  1. Exercise bikes
  2. Shoe
  3. Peculiarities:
  4. Magnetic
  5. Electromagnetic
  6. Folding
  7. Mini
  8. Vertical
  9. Horizontal
  10. Treadmills
  11. Mechanical
  12. Electrical
  13. Trampoline
  14. Advantages
  15. For children
  16. Finally

Exercise bikes

The design involves simulating cycling, but with significant modification and adaptation to home conditions. On modern models, you can change the intensity of training, adjust the load and read your body indicators. Full adjustment of the exercises to suit your tasks allows you to quickly achieve your goal. There are several types.


This is the most budget option. The load is created by the resistance of the brake pads. Quite noisy with a very limited number of functions. Suitable for home use by beginners and amateurs. However, it allows you to accurately simulate riding a bicycle, which is why professional cyclists used to train on them.


  1. large dimensions;
  2. significant maximum load limit;
  3. inertia;
  4. relatively rapid wear due to strong friction of parts;
  5. Inaccurate training information.

Recommended for beginner athletes, overweight people and those who want to have an exercise machine at home, but do not want to spend a lot of money on it.


The principle of operation is to create a load using magnets. They attract the flywheel, making it difficult to move. The intensity of training is adjusted automatically or manually.

Most magnetic trainers are equipped with a small computer. The display will show key workout metrics. It works quite accurately, you can adjust the intensity of the load based on your tasks.

An excellent option for semi-professional athletes and amateurs who want to take themselves seriously.


Modern simulators powered by electricity. They are always equipped with a modern computer that reads the indicators as accurately as possible. Advanced models have their own generator and operate autonomously. There are special standard programs and custom modes.

The load is regulated only automatically, determined by the intensity of the built-in electromagnets. Such exercise bikes belong to a high price category. This is an excellent choice for professional athletes, gyms and fitness centers.


Relatively small exercise bikes equipped with a folding mechanism. The main advantage is its compact dimensions, which allows you to store it even in a small apartment in a closet or on the balcony. The disadvantage is the fragile design. With active use they quickly break down.


Trainers with a minimal set of functions, simple and mobile. This whole set of qualities does not prevent them from being very common. Affordable prices and ease of use cover the need for simple options.

Their main advantage is compactness. The resemblance to a bicycle is conditional. In most cases there are only pedals and a flywheel inside a plastic housing. You can train your leg muscles well on it. Load adjustment is not provided in all models, as well as a display showing basic training indicators.

Best suited for home use for overweight people.

All of the above can be either vertical or horizontal. Now let's see what these two options are.


Their load is adjustable up and down. They will be the best choice for those who want to have an imitation bicycle in their home. The efficiency is approximately the same compared to horizontal ones, but there are some limitations.


A wide range of exercise machines of all types (except mini). You can lie down on them. Their main advantage is the absence of restrictions. Even those who have problems with the musculoskeletal system can exercise on them. It is becoming a common choice for older people and pregnant women.

The horizontal position allows you to remove all the stress from the spine and joints. You can only train your legs. It is often used to restore athletes after injuries.


Running is one of the most common exercises. It allows you to quickly tone up, helps fight excess weight, improve stamina and health. The vast majority of athletes use treadmills, even if they are not runners.

Owning your own personal trainer removes a lot of restrictions. You don’t need to pay attention to weather conditions, expose your body to danger by going outside to run in the cold, you don’t need a subscription to a fitness center, and you don’t have to spend money on public transport. But which treadmill should you choose? There are several common options.


The simplest and most inexpensive type. The canvas is set in motion only due to the efforts of the runner, and this is an arbitrary deceleration and acceleration. You can regulate the nature and intensity of your workout using two elements: the incline angle and the brake pads. There is a computer with a display, but it is difficult to call it accurate and multifunctional.

Such treadmills have a very modest weight; they do not require power from the mains, but only batteries for the computer. The design is simple and reliable. This is an inexpensive compact exercise machine, often equipped with a folding mechanism, and fits conveniently in a closet. Along with these advantages, it is necessary to remember about the disadvantages:

  1. to move, you need an angle of inclination;
  2. Over time, the canvas will begin to move jerkily; careful maintenance is required;
  3. mediocre depreciation.


Their main feature is the presence of an electric motor, which creates a load for the athlete. It ensures smooth running of the running belt and allows you to adjust the load over a wide range. Much attention is paid to safety. There is a so-called security key. If you pull it out during training, the machine will stop immediately.

They are often equipped with modern multifunctional computers. They allow you to control the intensity of the load, use preset training modes and create your own. We can say that this is your personal assistant in achieving various goals: losing excess weight, improving endurance, recovering from injury, etc.

The advantages of such models include the following qualities:

  1. excellent cushioning of the running belt;
  2. many modes and the ability to create custom ones;
  3. you will be able to run and walk on a flat surface;
  4. accurate reading of the main indicators of training and the user’s body.

Disadvantages include dependence on power supply, relatively high cost and somewhat lower reliability due to the larger number of nodes. Electric treadmills should be recommended to people who have long-term, serious goals. They are suitable for use by the whole family, training professional runners and amateurs. In addition, these are the models that are always installed in fitness centers.


You can envy the owners of private houses with a personal plot - they have the opportunity to place any trampoline in the yard and conduct training on it. This is a unique simulator that allows you to develop coordination, agility, lose excess weight and step into professional sports. This is not only a chance to restore and improve your physical fitness, but also an opportunity to enjoy the process.

The main purpose is to perform various jumps. They can perform tricks and are well suited for those involved in related sports: skydiving, snowboarding, alpine skiing, acrobatics and much more. This is one of the most useful simulators. If handled correctly, you can improve your health and work out different muscle groups. Allows you to create significant dynamic loads without damaging the joints.

Even if you do not have an area where you could place a large trampoline, you can choose options for an apartment. These are small structures that allow you to make low jumps. However, you can also experience intense stress on them during training. Mainly leg muscles, endurance and coordination improve. The design is relatively simple. It consists of two main parts: a frame and a tension fabric. There are options for kids to have a great time while developing coordination and gross motor skills.

Many people still perceive trampolining only as entertainment for children. But this projectile has long been relegated to the rank of sports, it has several important advantages.

  1. Creation of intense aerobic exercise. A trampoline allows you to effectively fight excess weight. For example, half an hour of running can be replaced by 10 minutes of jumping.
  2. No damaging load on the spine and joints.
  3. A simple and reliable design that rarely fails.
  4. Variety of training, the ability to perform various tricks.
  5. After all, where else can you feel weightlessness and the feeling of flying?

Many people consider trampolines to be relatively dangerous exercise equipment, where you can easily get injured. It is worth noting that this applies only to professional models and is only possible due to improper assembly or operation. Modern exercise machines have a well-thought-out safety system that protects against injury.

We can advise purchasing a trampoline for those who are struggling with excess weight, want to add variety to their workouts, or want to start a professional career in this relatively young sport. Also here you can undergo a rehabilitation course after minor injuries to ligaments, tendons and joints without losing the intensity of your training.

For children

The first developmental simulators should be chosen wisely. They should be interesting for children, completely safe and useful from a practical point of view. And you also need some reserve for growth. An excellent option would be to create a small sports ground at home. Loft beds are well suited for this purpose.

What’s convenient is that you decide for yourself which shells will be included in the kit. There are different options: large nets, rings, ladders, horizontal bars, parallel bars and much more. With their help, the baby will be able to develop coordination, gross motor skills and take the first steps in various sports. In the future, if necessary, you can easily rearrange the sports and gaming area for other tasks, for example, install a work desk under the bed.

When using such simulators, your main task will be to create an adapted training program, motivate your child to exercise and show how to correctly perform certain exercises.

A small playground for a child in his room will become an interesting play area where he will happily spend time with his friends.


In addition to choosing one type of exercise machine, you need to pay attention to different models. The market offers a lot of options. There are several basic selection principles at work. Pay attention to the following details:

  1. structural strength;
  2. functionality;
  3. type of loads;
  4. price;
  5. security systems.

All that remains is to compare them with your goals. Be sure to check the reviews for each product. The opinion of those who have already used a certain model helps to make the right choice. Consult, learn more and buy exercise equipment that will help you improve your physical fitness and pay attention to your health!

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