Treatment with aromatic oils: a panacea for four ills

Aroma oils or phytoessences have a beneficial effect not only on a person’s general well-being and mood, but can also help in the treatment of diseases. Below we present to your attention some of them.

  1. Skin treatment

Aroma oils have an antibacterial, rejuvenating and regenerating effect on human skin. They can be used for massage, added to the bath, made into compresses and sprays. Massage with mixtures of essential oils enhances lymphatic “drainage” of tissues, removes dead cells and other waste products.

There are several rules for the external use of essential oils:

  1. Before applying it to the body, neck or face, you must completely remove all cosmetics and perfumes
  2. You should not apply them to the armpit area, especially to shaved skin, as there may be unwanted cross-reactions
  3. It is not recommended to apply pure essential oils to the skin, as they are too powerful.
  1. Treatment of the urinary system

To treat diseases of the urinary system caused by staphylococcus (for example, cystitis), use essential oils of sage, juniper, sandalwood and thyme. When treating the urinary system, the following methods are used: baths, massage in the area of ​​the kidneys and bladder in front and behind (not recommended for use with kidney stones), ingestion.

  1. Treatment of the digestive tract

To treat irritable bowel syndrome, it is recommended to use peppermint and clove essential oils, which increase the acidity of gastric juice, as an antispastic and digestive aid. When treating the digestive tract, the following methods are used: massage in the spinal and lumbar regions, compresses in the stomach area, orally.

  1. Treatment of the muscular system

When massaging muscles using essential oils, blood circulation improves, lymph flow increases, the flow of nutrients and blood improves, waste products are eliminated, pain is reduced, and general muscle relaxation occurs. When treating the muscular system, the following methods are used: baths, massages, hot (to reduce rheumatic and muscle pain) and cold (for swelling of muscles and dislocations) compresses.