Eureka: Autogenic training works wonders!

Autogenic training (AT) is a powerful tool that can positively impact your body and improve your overall well-being. Whether you suffer from sleep disorders, asthma or migraines, autogenic training, when used correctly, can be an effective solution. Autotraining, similar to hypnosis, is a form of self-hypnosis with an important difference - feedback controlled by the person himself.

Based on the principles of conscious psychophysical self-regulation, autogenic training allows you to achieve a deep state of relaxation and relaxation. It provides rest to the nervous system and helps improve mood, normalize sleep and activate the body and personality. Thanks to AT, you can strengthen your will, correct unwanted behavioral patterns, mobilize your intellectual resources, and quickly restore your strength.

You can carry out autogenic training in any convenient place and at any time. At the first stage, it is recommended to practice in a quiet room with dim lighting, a comfortable temperature and wearing loose clothing. The eyes are usually closed. Gradually, as you master the technique, you will be able to apply it in any situation - at work, at home or even on the road. It is recommended to do AT 1-3 times a day for 10-20 minutes, choosing the time that suits you best - in the morning before getting up, at lunchtime or before bed.

When starting autogenic training, take a comfortable position on a chair, bending your spine and lowering your head, and place your hands on your hips so that your shoulders are relaxed. Begin by inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly, imagining each exhalation bringing a wave of pleasant relaxation throughout your body.

At the initial stages of using AT, it is recommended to use the following self-hypnosis formulas: “I am resting,” “I am calm,” “I am relaxing and calming down.” When you are sufficiently relaxed and immersed in a state of autogenic relaxation, you can move on to the active phase of training, introducing the necessary programs into your subconscious. For example, if you want to be more confident in communicating with your boss, you can use self-hypnosis formulas such as “I am confident in myself,” “My voice is low and confident,” “I will be able to communicate and express my thoughts effectively.”

It is important to remember that autogenic training requires practice and gradual mastery. Gradually, you will be able to achieve a deep state of relaxation and control your physical and emotional processes. With regular training, you can reap significant benefits from autogenic training, such as reduced stress levels, improved sleep, increased concentration, and improved overall physical and mental well-being.

However, if you have serious mental or physical problems, consultation with a qualified professional such as a psychologist or doctor is recommended. They will be able to assess your condition and make recommendations on the use of autogenic training in your specific case.

And remember that the effectiveness of autogenic training may vary for each individual. Some people may need more time and practice before they achieve the desired results. Be patient and approach your training with an open mind.

All the best in your efforts to master autogenic training!