Let's figure it out: which pre-workout complex is better?

Many people have probably experienced a lack of energy during training. The feeling is, of course, unpleasant, and this moment negatively affects the activity itself and its quality. It happens that the whole day passes in a very active mode, and in the evening you still have to go to training, the question arises: how to increase energy? Often, athletes choose “pre-workouts” for precisely these purposes. What it is and which pre-workout complex is better to choose - this will be discussed further in this article...

Remember: only high-quality sports nutrition products can give your workouts a new level of performance and better feel the load, so let's learn to distinguish good products from bad ones.

A pre-workout complex is a special type of sports nutrition that:

  1. contains components that promote muscle growth,
  2. active recovery,
  3. and also makes training much more effective.

Many bodybuilders are interested in the question of the safety of taking such sports nutrition. Due to the combination of creatine, caffeine, and ephedrine in the product, taking this drug, according to some doctors, can be potentially dangerous, as it increases the risk of stroke, especially in older athletes. In all other cases, the substance is harmless.

Today there are many types of pre-workout supplements on the market, but it is important for you to choose the best one at an affordable price. To do this, always pay attention to the composition, provided that it corresponds to reality, you have the opportunity to monitor whether the drug contains the substances necessary for the “pre-workout”. They will be discussed in more detail below.

A real, good pre-workout complex should contain components that help increase strength. Namely:

  1. betaine – that is, a modified amino acid that increases muscle strength by over 20%;
  2. beta-alanine - a supplement that gives muscles strength and helps increase endurance;
  3. creatine – it can be taken separately, but “pre-workouts” contain a large number of transport systems, increasing its absorption;
  1. Tyrosine is a proven substance that helps increase energy resources and promotes concentration, without the threat of side effects. In the human body, adrenaline and dopamine are synthesized from tyrosine.
  2. Taurine is a well-known substance that can increase muscle endurance by almost 50%, and also helps the heart pump large volumes of blood through the muscles.
  3. Rhodiola rosea is a plant that helps stimulate the production of testosterone, growth hormone, insulin-like growth factor, and also prevents the occurrence of various stresses.
  4. Schisandra chinensis and B vitamins also help increase muscle endurance.

Good complexes should contain components for gaining muscle mass:

  1. BCAA amino acids – they promote the processes of protein synthesis in muscle tissue;
  2. Glutamine – can dull the feeling of fatigue and maintain high levels of the essential amino acid leucine in muscles.

In addition to all this, fans of iron sports also want to see nitrogen donors in such preparations, because good pumping leads to a gain of muscle mass and a good figure. Therefore, the product must have:

  1. citrulline,
  2. arginine,
  3. picnegonol,
  4. glycerol

Often, manufacturers also add components to improve brain function (choline, Huperzine A) and fat burners (green tea extract, synephrine, yohimbe).

As you can see, this product contains a very large number of various active ingredients. Often, manufacturers try to save on its production by excluding some (especially expensive) components from the technological recipe or replacing them with cheaper ones, but therefore not at all effective. It is for this reason that we recommend purchasing pre-workouts only from branded manufacturers that have proven themselves over the years. And make purchases only in trusted places:

  1. reputable sports hypermarkets,
  2. authorized sports nutrition stores,
  3. only well-established online stores.

Having decided which pre-workout complex suits you best, buy it and take it on training days 4-5 hours before physical activity, if it is in the evening. Be healthy! And productive muscle growth to you!

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