Poor sleep ages a person by five years

Each of us knows how important healthy and sound sleep is for our body. But what happens when we can't get enough sleep? Scientists at the California Pacific Medical Center Research Institute conducted a study and concluded that sleep disturbances significantly affect the aging of the body.

Experts have found that poor sleep for 3-4 years has a negative impact on memory, concentration and leads to rapid aging. It turned out that regular sleep problems can age a person by as much as five years. This is due to toxic compounds that accumulate in the brain and can lead to disruptions in its functioning.

The conclusions of experts are confirmed by the results of an experiment in which three thousand volunteers took part. Their sleep patterns were tracked for seven days and then tested on their ability to plan and make decisions. It has been found that poor sleep can cause problems with brain function.

Fortunately, there are methods that can help you regulate your sleep patterns. One of them is eating cherries. This berry contains melatonin, which helps normalize sleep. Studies have shown that eating cherries improves sleep quality and reduces the time it takes to fall asleep.

It is also important to monitor the conditions in which we sleep. It is necessary to create a comfortable temperature and level of lighting, use a comfortable pillow and mattress. You should also avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol before bed.

Healthy, sound sleep is the main component of health. It not only helps the body recover, but also prevents rapid aging. Therefore, do not forget about proper sleep patterns and take care of your health.