Dumbbells for water aerobics - what are they?

We continue to introduce you, our dear readers of the “fitness and bodybuilding in Russian” portal, to all sorts of new products in the sports industry, and in this article the story will be about dumbbells for water aerobics.

I think everyone knows what dumbbells are, and for this reason I won’t even focus on it. For those who don’t know what water aerobics is, I’ll briefly explain: water aerobics is practically the same as regular aerobics, only all movements and exercises are performed in water. Usually these are group classes, in which the whole group is in the pool, and the instructor, being on land (on the side of the pool), guides the entire process, showing how and what to do. Since all the movements are performed practically under water, which also needs to be overcome somehow, performing simple exercises actually turns out to be not so simple. After the class, visitors complain about muscle pain, which they never even dreamed of during regular aerobics training...

We sorted this out, now we answer the question: what are dumbbells for water aerobics? In fact, this is an analogue of ordinary dumbbells, with the exception of the following differences:

  1. They are much lighter than regular dumbbells. As we already mentioned, it’s not so easy in the water even without load. And when working with heavy shells, you can even go to the bottom. Therefore, the weight of such a projectile is purely symbolic.
  2. Dumbbells for water aerobics have a completely rubberized surface. Metal is not visible or felt to the touch anywhere.

  3. Such projectiles are made exclusively from stainless steel, because if this condition is not met, even the slightest ingress of water would render it inoperable over time.
  4. Such dumbbells have foam rubber or similar covering of its edges. This is done in case you do not hold the projectile in your hand and release it, so that it does not break the pool tiles when it falls and, accordingly, subsequent flooding.
  5. Also, such a projectile may have special holder straps that prevent accidental loss or the dumbbell falling out of your hands.
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