Preparing a weightlifter for important competitions.

We continue to introduce you, our dear fans of heavy iron, to the features of the preparatory process of a weightlifter for the upcoming serious competitions. In our previous article, we already told you about the features of work in the first two training cycles. Well, let's continue what we started and move on to consider the next stages of weightlifting training...

Preparing a weightlifter for important competitions in the 3rd training cycle provides for a two-month preparatory period. Therefore, in the first month (7th month), it is necessary to slightly reduce the load in order to give the athlete the opportunity to recover and prepare for subsequent work with greater volume and intensity in the last two months (8th and 9th) of this cycle - before the competition. It would be advisable to plan as follows: 1600 and 2100 lifts in the preparatory months and 1500 in the competitive months.

In the last, 4th cycle, when the athlete already has a certain background of fatigue, 1600 lifts can be planned in the preparatory month (10th month) and 1100 lifts in the competitive month (11th month). The last month is an active holiday.

In addition to the 5 major competitions, qualified athletes usually take part in 4-5 more, less significant competitions. An athlete’s participation in other competitions should in no case affect the training process, much less the preparation for the most important competitions - it should be a means of training and monitoring the athlete’s readiness.

Younger athletes can handle larger volumes and intensity of power loads, so during the competitive period the load can be slightly increased. Conversely, it is necessary to slightly reduce the volume and intensity of the strength training load (both in the preparatory and competitive months) for older athletes and athletes with extensive training experience.

You need to especially closely monitor the amount and volume of load during the competitive period. Mastering heavy loads is associated with long-term restructuring of the body. A high rate can only be achieved after reducing the volume and amount of load and increasing (or maintaining) the intensity of the training. In this regard, during the competitive period, the workload is reduced in such a way that by the end of the month (that is, by the beginning of the competition), the weightlifter, as they say, “moves away” from the volumes.

For beginner athletes, the load during the competition month is reduced by 17-18%, which is quite enough, since the intensity of their load is insignificant.

Well, having studied the specifics of training weightlifters for the upcoming tournaments, in conclusion we will tell you a little interesting thing: for all real men who love martial arts and contact sports, we recommend watching the video catalog of martial arts - an excellent collection of the most iconic fights and adrenaline fights. There is a lot to learn here and someone to follow by example! Our sports fitness portal recommends!

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