Every year, about 50 thousand people die during sex in the world

According to the World Health Organization, about 50 thousand people die every year during sex around the world. This means that on average more than 130 people die every day during sexual intercourse. This statistic may seem surprising, but it's actually not that shocking given the number of factors that can lead to death during sex.

The largest proportion of those killed by sex, according to researchers from the US Cardiological Society, are men, and 75% of them were cheating on their wives at the time of death. Men are 20 times more likely to die during sex than women. This is due to the fact that sex is a physical load on the body, especially on the cardiovascular system. For the same reason, men of advanced age die more often than others while enjoying pleasure.

The leading causes of death during sex are related to general health, including the cardiovascular system. In addition, high blood pressure, obesity and impaired carbohydrate metabolism may also become risk factors. Nervous tension, intense passions and emotions, as well as overeating and excessive alcohol consumption before the act itself can also lead to tragic consequences.

It is worth noting that death from sex can be caused not only by health-related factors, but also by carelessness in everything from choosing a place for intimate caresses to inept use of sex devices. In some cases, the cause is extreme sports and sexual intemperance.

However, despite all the risks, sex in general is healthy. According to research, after 31 minutes of sex, the production of endorphins begins, which help relieve stress and even reduce pain. Sex can also improve your mood, strengthen your immune system, and reduce your risk of depression.

So, although death from sex may seem rare and unusual, it is still possible. However, this should not be a reason to completely abandon sexual activity. It is important to remember your health and take precautions to avoid unwanted consequences.