How to pump up the outer thigh?

Quite often, experienced athletes begin to notice how some muscle groups respond to the load better, while others, on the contrary, begin to lag behind in development. Why is this happening? Maybe you have trouble feeling the working muscle; you give it insufficient load for growth or, on the contrary, you do too many exercises, so that the muscle does not have time to recover...

In any case, we are for a harmonious physique, and therefore today we will talk about how to pump up the outer part of the thigh - exactly the same area that is often left without due attention. And very much in vain!

Legs need to be worked hard and intensively, devoting a lot of time and effort to them, and beginners, understandably, want to quickly get voluminous arms; they often don’t even think about their legs. That’s why it’s not surprising that this is the lagging muscle group for most gym goers...

Indeed, it is easier to do a couple of sets for biceps than to put a heavy barbell on your shoulders and squat with it. However, if you don’t want to turn into a laughing stock on the beach, carrying a powerful torso on two noodles, then it’s time to take your legs in hand and pay more attention to your quadriceps.

  1. A little anatomy.
  2. Leg extensions from a sitting position.
  3. Squats.
  4. Accented lunges.
  5. Leg raises while sitting in the simulator.

A little anatomy.

The facial surface of the thigh - the quadriceps - consists of 4 heads: intermediate, straight, medial and lateral. The latter is located on the outer side of the thigh, giving the legs a powerful look not only in frontal poses, but also from the back and the side. The lateral head is one of the most massive and powerful muscles in our body, and therefore should respond to the load without any problems, you just need to correctly place the emphasis in leg training. But how to place these accents? What should you do to pump it up?

Leg extensions from a sitting position.

Execution: we extend not both legs, but each separately. If the design allows, we sit on the machine diagonally, hanging the free leg to the side of the seat. The working leg is slightly “rolled” inward, which will allow you to concentrate on the outer surface of the thigh. We do 15-20 repetitions and change legs.

In addition to pre-exhaustion, extensions at the beginning of the workout are also a good warm-up for your knees, after which you can move on to the “main dish” - squats.


Execution: place your feet slightly narrower than shoulder width, toes should point straight. It is advisable to squat no lower than parallel so that the load does not go from the hip to the gluteal muscles. We perform 12-15 repetitions. If you wish, you can replace some of the squats with hack squats or platform presses; the position of the legs is the same.

Accented lunges.

The final exercise will be lunges with dumbbells.

Execution: we take a step forward, descending as deeply as possible, after which, with the help of the supporting leg, we rise from the squat and go to the original starting position. In this case, the toe of the supporting leg is slightly turned inward, but the knee should look straight and not follow the toe to the side. Repeat with the other leg. You need to perform 15-20 repetitions for each leg.

Well, for a snack - a favorite women's exercise machine, which, of course, is useful not only for the fair sex - a machine for spreading and bringing together legs.

Leg raises while sitting in the simulator.

To pump up the outer thigh to failure at the end of the workout, we will work on it in isolation.

Legs are the foundation of a strong body. Follow our recommendations, and within a month you will amaze your friends with the power of your lower half. See you on the platform!

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