Women's sexual activity peaks in May

Norwegian psychologists and sexologists conducted a new study, according to which they established what time of year peaks in sexual activity occur in women and men.

It turned out that girls dream about sex most and have it in the spring, in particular, April and May, but guys are most sexually active in the sultry August.

According to experts, the fact that women become romantic and loving in the spring is due to the amount of sunlight, which promotes the production of hormones that are responsible for sexual pleasure. But the stronger sex produces testosterone all year round, and its libido is almost independent of the weather. But at the end of summer, men usually still feel an incredible craving for sex, which is most likely due to the holidays.

The researchers were very surprised that the timing of peak sexual activity in women and men was different; previously they believed that this happened at the same time. The only thing that coincided in the experiment was that sexual desire in both boys and girls declines in December.