Miniskirt season is coming! How to make your thighs slim?

Gymnastics will help make your hips slimmer and firmer and strengthen your muscles. When working on yourself, don't sit still, but move more throughout the day. Walk more - at least 30 minutes a day, prefer stairs to elevators and regularly perform simple exercises. After 2 weeks, you will be pleased with noticeable results.

This complex can be performed by everyone, without exception, who wants to achieve a toned and beautiful figure, but it will especially help those with full hips to quickly become slender.

For those who love sports (full complex)

Before exercise, you need to warm up for 4-7 minutes, you can simply dance to rhythmic music.

  1. Lie on your back, hands behind your head. Bend your knees and pull them toward your chest. Straighten your legs and slowly lower them to the floor. 10 - 15 times.
  2. Lie on your back. Raise your legs with your knees bent. Hips - at right angles to the body. Place both legs to the left and right of the body. Repeat 7-12 times in each direction.
  3. Get on your knees, grab your heels with your hands. Bend over. Relax, arms along your body. Repeat the exercise 10 times.
  4. Lie on your back. Place your left foot on your right knee. Raise your right leg as high as possible. Repeat for each leg 5 to 12 times.
  5. Get on all fours, back straight. Pull your bent leg forward towards your chest, then straighten it back with force. 15 times for each leg.
  6. Lie on your back. Raise your legs up at a right angle. Without bending your legs, spread them as wide as possible. Repeat 5 - 10 times.
  7. Sit astride a chair facing the back, put on heavy boots or special weights on your feet. Keep your legs straight, spread to the maximum and bring them down to the width of the back of the chair. Three sets of 15 times.
  8. Sit on the floor, place your straight arms on the floor, lift your legs off the floor. While in weight, move your left leg to the side, close it again with your right leg. Repeat 5 times for each leg in one set. Do three sets.
  9. Lie on the floor, on your side, with your body raised at the elbow, and your lower leg bent at the knee. Slowly lift your left leg up for four counts. Hold in the upper position for two counts, lower slowly for four counts. Repeat for each leg five times. When the exercise becomes easy for you, use heavy shoes to enhance the effect.
  10. Get on your knees, body straight, hands at your sides. Sit back on your heels and stand up again. Three sets of 15 times. Keep your back straight, don't slouch, watch your balance.
  11. Lie on your back, slowly (in six counts) move your legs behind your head, return to the starting position. 5 times.
  12. Make a “birch” and hold it for 5 seconds.

A set of exercises for toned buttocks, strong legs and elastic calves (short complex)

The proposed complex consists of simple but very effective exercises. Before performing, march to music for 2 - 3 minutes, and as a warm-up, do 4 - 5 exercises with dumbbells. In two weeks you can reduce your waist by 4 - 5 cm!

High step
Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees. Let's step on the right foot! Raise your leg as high as possible, tense your back muscles, tuck your stomach! We actively work with our hands! Stand on both feet! Step left! In total - two sets of 30 steps, a fairly high pace. Try not to stagger or lose your balance. The abs, front thigh, and sense of balance are trained.

Wide swing
We stood up straight, tightened our buttocks, abdominal and back muscles. One - leg back, as high as possible. Two is the starting position. Three - swing with the other leg. Two sets of 30 swings. The oblique muscles of the abdomen, buttocks, and back thigh are trained.

Feet are wider than shoulders. Legs are bent, hands on hips. The buttocks and abs are tightly tucked, the back is straight. Tense. From this position, swing your legs half-bent to the side. Alternately with the left and right foot, set - 20 times, two with