Selfie officially recognized as a mental disorder

Experts from the American Psychiatric Association have recognized addiction to self-portraits using a mobile phone camera as a mental disorder.

The disease has already received the name selfies - obsessive-compulsive disorder (obsessive states), characterized by a constant desire to take pictures of oneself and post them on social networks.

Psychiatrists from Chicago distinguish several stages of the disease.

The first is episodic: a person takes photographs of himself more than three times a day, but does not post the photographs for public viewing.

The second is acute: taking self-portraits on your phone more than three times a day and posting them on social networks.

The third is chronic: a person experiences an uncontrollable desire to photograph himself constantly throughout the day and posts pictures at least six times a day.

Psychiatrists note that at the moment there is no treatment for selfies, but they suggest that such patients switch to phones without cameras so that there is no temptation to take a selfie.