Two hundredweight from the chest? - easily! Effectively increasing your bench press.

Firstly, this article will be of interest to those involved in powerlifting or bodybuilding, because in these sports it is important how much you bench. For a bodybuilder - because without tension and increased load there will be no muscle growth; for a powerlifter it’s the same thing, just one more thing – the bench press is one of the three competition exercises, so it should be trained especially carefully and purposefully. What to do in cases where this exercise doesn’t work, or you feel some kind of stagnation? We will tell you the main tricks and wisdom for increasing your bench press in the shortest possible preparation period. So, buckle up, we're taking off...

First you need to understand that this exercise is basic, in fact, by doing only it, you can already achieve impressive muscle mass and develop strength. The main thing is to perform it technically correctly, without “cheating” and other “hackwork”.

Many novice athletes want to bench press a lot right now, but they shouldn’t rush at all; they need to gradually increase approaches and weight on the bar. The essence of such training is to lift one weight for a month and a half, varying only the number of approaches (4x4; 5x4; 6x4; 4x5; 5x5, etc.), and at the end of this period add 5-7 kg to the barbell. Thus, with this system you can constantly progress, because not only the muscles, but also the tendons get used to the load, and this is very important, because it is known that they take much longer to recover. Another important point: this system provides a significant reserve of strength, that is, a person takes a month to get used to the weight, and by adding a new one, he will definitely be able to press it. This is important because even if the athlete is tired or hasn’t gotten the sleep he needs, he will still be able to overcome it.

  1. help strengthen weak points in the bench press,
  2. improve his technique,
  3. increase speed and increase power.

For example, to train a powerful lift of the barbell from the chest, athletes press:

  1. with a pause in a competitive manner,
  2. and also with an additional pause,
  3. with chains (rubber),
  4. doing exercises on an incline bench.

To work out the middle phase of the bench press, use:

  1. pressing from bars of different thicknesses,
  2. as well as presses with a rebound, a stop.

Let us remind professional athletes of the need to use magnesium and a weightlifting belt – sports injuries have not yet been canceled! And injuries in this exercise are the most dangerous. They can cost you your career, health, and maybe even your life! How many athletes have been overwhelmed by the barbell while training alone! And how many cases of strangulation with a vulture have there been! In this case, if the projectile slips out of your hands at the top point of the trajectory, rib fractures are simply inevitable, and if it falls on the neck area, you can imagine what will happen! Therefore, safety comes first! That's it!

Secondly, trained athletes are recommended to train with a sparring partner, and even better with experienced spotters who are ready to help you at any time.

Thirdly, from the point of view of the tricks and secrets of training experienced athletes, it would be simply a crime not to mention such effective methods for increasing and achieving quality indicators in the bench press, such as using the principles:

  1. rest-pause,
  2. pyramid,
  3. forced repetitions,
  4. super fast reps
  5. partial and one-and-a-half repetitions,
  6. Platun's principle
  7. and other effective methods...
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