How to pump up deltoids with dumbbells?

Heroic shoulders are a dream for every man and an object of admiration for the fairer sex. Therefore, along with the chest and biceps, all novice bodybuilders in fitness centers and gyms focus on the deltoids.

How to pump up deltoids with dumbbells?

But if it is not possible to visit the gym, and you have to train at home, where there are no barbells or exercise equipment, and only dumbbells are available, the question arises: how to pump up your deltoids with dumbbells? The answer to this will be the winged words of Franco Colombo, a friend and rival of the great, revered Arnie by all of us: “Shoulders are made for dumbbells, and dumbbells are for shoulders.” Franco, with a height of 170 centimeters, competed on equal terms with real giants, and he pumped up his famous and unique deltoids with the help of dumbbells...

They, in his opinion, are the ideal tool for creating “oblique fathoms” in the shoulders. Presses, flyes, swings and rows will help perfectly develop the deltoid muscles. You can perform the exercises standing or sitting. The advantage of training the deltoids while standing is that you can work with maximum weights - through a jerk, using the so-called “cheating principle”. When using extreme weights, it would be a good idea to have insurance and help from an experienced sparring partner. Performing exercises while sitting allows you to work on an inclined bench, and the angle of inclination makes it possible to vary the load on different parts of the deltoid muscles.

How to pump up deltoids with dumbbells?

Only uniform pumping of all three beams will make your shoulders a standard, and you an object of imitation for beginners. Therefore, vary the weights, angles and inclinations - this will allow you to pump up all three beams harmoniously and harmoniously...

At the beginning of the workout, you need to do a warm-up approach with 60% of the working weight to avoid injury. The shoulder complex should include 3-4 exercises, 4 sets each. When working on strength, it is necessary to perform 4-6 repetitions, weight - 6-8, relief - 8-12, and endurance - 12-18. The only exception is the last one - the “additional approach” in the final exercise of the complex - it is performed with the maximum number of repetitions so that the deltas are simply “torn”.

When making the spread and thrust, it is recommended to hold the projectile at the top point of the trajectory for 1-2 seconds. The complex for pumping deltas with dumbbells must be performed twice a week so that the muscles have time to fully rest and recover properly between workouts...

We hope our tips will help you build the shoulders of your dreams, and you will proudly flaunt your open T-shirts in the summer...