Hunting as an active recreation option in bodybuilding and fitness.

What does a bodybuilder need after a good workout?

Number one is to eat well. You need to supply your body with all the necessary “building materials” for fruitful muscle growth. For when there is nothing to build from, you cannot build anything worthwhile.

Number two is high-quality, complete passive rest. It is at this stage, of course, while completing the previous one, that the very process of recovery and overcompensation, so necessary for all bodybuilders, takes place. Passive rest is, first of all, sleep, or some alternative pastime with a minimum of physical activity: watching a movie, reading a book, sunbathing, etc.

Number three is special means that help you recover faster, such as: bathhouse, sauna, massage, self-massage, all kinds of water treatments, in general, everything that, in combination with the previous two points, will help us quickly get in shape and get rid of soreness and again prepare yourself for the next trip to the gym.

But there is also a fourth item on our list. And in fourth place: active recreation. In fact, active rest is any variation of pastime and, accordingly, physical activity that differs from those that we get in everyday training. It could be:

  1. Swimming in the pool
  2. Jogging,
  3. Hiking in the forest,
  4. All kinds of team games, such as football, volleyball, and modern ones: paintball, laser tag,…
  5. Bicycle rides,
  6. Fishing,
  7. Hunting,

I would like to dwell on hunting in more detail... Because this is an excellent option for active recreation! Well, judge for yourself:

  1. You're outside all day. Breathe fresh, oxygen-rich forest air - and this is a great help for speedy muscle recovery.
  2. You're on your feet all day. You will probably travel a long distance in search of prey. And walking for many hours is an excellent aerobic training for your entire body, which, of course, will contribute to the recovery processes of your muscles.
  3. Acting in a team, and also with passion, enthusiasm, a thirst for championship, truly being carried away by the task at hand, forgetting about everything extraneous, you, without knowing it, will have a great rest psychologically, and this is far from an unimportant moment. Nerves stretched like a string, a psyche exhausted by monotonous work in the gym, have never been good for anyone. And while hunting you will truly relax your soul. And a pleasant company of like-minded people, lunch or dinner by the fire, cheerful conversations and jokes - this is exactly what you need after the gray and boring everyday life...

I don't think it's worth continuing any further. As we can see, without digging deep, it immediately becomes obvious that hunting, as an option for active recreation after training, is in many ways superior to other pastime options. So, if you have such an opportunity, be sure to use it in your practice. See you at the gym! Bye everyone!

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