How to deal with winter fatigue?

How to fight winter fatigue

Spring is approaching, and we are increasingly feeling tired. This condition is quite understandable. The lack of sun and vitamins takes its toll. According to the World Health Society, by spring, 60% of people aged 20 to 50 experience a decrease in vital activity. Is it possible to somehow combat this condition?

Can! Firstly, it is advisable to spend at least half an hour in the sun every day. Secondly, do not give in to drowsiness, but on the contrary, slightly reduce your sleep time. Thirdly, physical activity is necessary. Light running, swimming, water aerobics, oriental wushu gymnastics will help you cheer up.

Fourthly, lead as active a lifestyle as possible. Go to the theaters, have fun, study, communicate, go out of town. And finally, give up flour and sweets for a while, and switch to foods rich in complex carbohydrates. It is very useful to eat fish such as salmon and tuna at this time of year.

And of course, you need vitamins, especially groups C and B. But here it is important not to overdo it, not to suppress immune capabilities. Start taking vitamins in small doses. And the best thing to eat is green apples with a sour taste. They contain natural vitamins and microelements necessary for the body.

By following these simple recommendations, you can resist spring fatigue and meet the warm season cheerful and full of energy!