Office allergies: causes, consequences, ways to combat them

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If you have recently started to notice that when you arrive at the office you begin to sneeze, your eyes water and it becomes difficult to breathe - do not rush to stock up on anti-cold medications. You may have become a victim of so-called "office allergies."

This new phenomenon is now diagnosed in every third office worker. Moreover, both “harmful industries” and seemingly quite harmless professions are at risk. So what are the causes of this disease, and most importantly, how to deal with it?

First reason: office equipment

A printer, as you know, is an indispensable thing in the office. But if you look closely at this item, you will notice a slight unpleasant odor when printing. The fact is that during operation the machine throws a huge amount of tiny drops of ink into the air. It is these substances that can cause a severe allergic reaction if they come into contact with the eyes, nose or mouth.

To prevent illness, keep all copying equipment in a separate, well-ventilated area. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling ink and wash your face frequently.

Second reason: dust

Everyone knows that dust is one of the most powerful allergens. It would seem that this factor is the most noticeable and the easiest to prevent. But it's not that simple. Even if your office is sparkling clean, ubiquitous dust can lurk in places like your computer cooler, carpeting, or drapes. Tiny dust particles are constantly in the air, making breathing difficult and causing coughing attacks.

In this case, special wipes for office equipment will help you, which, in addition to antistatic, are also impregnated with a special antiseptic. Don’t be lazy to wipe your computer, keyboard, and mouse with them every day. This will greatly increase your chances of survival in the office.

Reason three: fungal spores

It is microscopic mold spores that doctors consider the most powerful allergen. “But where do fungi come from in the office? For a dacha and apartment this is more likely, because there are bathrooms and damp basements, but in an office this reason is unlikely,” you say. In fact, mold can appear anywhere. For example, the ideal place for it is flower pots or air conditioner filters. Moreover, inside the air conditioner there are the most favorable conditions for the rapid proliferation of mold, which releases thousands of microspores into the air, which office workers breathe.

To prevent allergies, take a close look at the indoor plants in your office. If greenish traces of mold are visible on the soil, do not hesitate and transplant the flower to another place with clean soil as soon as possible. You should also call a professional to inspect your air conditioners. If necessary, filters should be changed.

Reason four: stationery

Allergies can also be triggered by harmless pencils, pens or rulers. The reason is that for durability they are impregnated with a special solution of nickel and chromium, which can cause dermatitis when in contact with the skin. The paste in a ballpoint pen causes a similar reaction, since it contains chromium and molybdenum.

It’s easy to cope with this problem - just replace the ballpoint pen with a gel pen, and use a plastic ruler instead of a wooden ruler.

Reason five: household chemicals

No matter how beautiful office furniture is, nevertheless, it is fraught with danger for workers. Just like laminate flooring, carpet, plastic panels on the walls and plastic ceiling. Did you know that items made from chipboard, plastic and MDF are capable of releasing hazardous substances even with the slightest heating? Inhaling them, even in small quantities, causes enormous harm to our health. And for a person prone to allergies, this is completely unbearable - oh