Cellulite: even the stars are not immune!

Cellulite... You won't find this concept in a medical dictionary or an anatomy book. But it comes to the mind of every woman after the age of 20 when she looks at her reflection in the mirror. The concept of “cellulite” was picked up by magazines and cosmetologists, but it means a very real thing. Any woman who looks at uneven skin in the mirror with clearly visible tubercles of fatty deposits on her buttocks and thighs knows what cellulite is and what it’s like to discover its signs in yourself: this means that you can’t get rid of it.

Because it doesn’t matter how strict your diet is, how much time you devote to special exercises, how much you were able to reduce your weight and what kind of muscles you have, and, as recent reality has shown, no matter what world star you are (and this entails considerable monetary investments in your beauty and the attention of the world community), this unwanted persistent beauty flaw will not disappear.

Zhanna Friske

Singer Zhanna Friske recently took part in the filming of a humorous program on Ukrainian television, as reported by ter-a.com.ua. As usual, she performed in a very open dress. After singing a couple of her old hits, the artist wanted to leave the stage. But then she was criticized by the leading programs. The comedians' remarks made the singer laugh so much that a bandage on her back burst from laughter and her outfit began to slip threateningly, writes KP-Ukraine. The treacherous lemon-yellow dress threatened to expose the singer’s bust. But Friske was not taken aback and, holding the outfit with her hands, slipped into the dressing room. Jeanne reappeared in public in a different outfit. But, nevertheless, the photographers managed to capture the singer in a pose that was not very advantageous for her.

Drew Barrymore

People magazine named Charlie's Angels star Drew Barrymore the most beautiful celebrity of 2007. 32-year-old Barrymore, who gained fame after her role in Steven Spielberg's film "E.T. Extra-Terrestrial" in 1982, beat out such internationally recognized beauties as Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman and Julia Roberts. The actress poses on the cover of the latest issue of the magazine, which is dedicated to the release of her new film “Lucky” from the Warner Bros. film company, which is part of the same media group as People magazine, reports FactNews with reference to AFP. This is the fourth time Barrymore has been included in People's list of the most beautiful celebrities, but this is the first time she has topped the ranking, AP notes. The actress believes that she looks good because she is happy. “I think that happiness is what makes us beautiful,” the actress said in an interview with the publication. “Happy people are beautiful. They turn into mirrors that reflect this happiness.” And even cellulite, apparently, does not cause her much grief!

Jennifer Lopez

Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez presented a new collection of fashionable clothes at the current Fashion Week in New York, presenting the trends of the spring-summer 2008 season. According to the pop star, her new JustSweet line is designed to “fill the gap” between the “democratic” J.Lo collection, created to meet the needs of lovers of street chic, and the more expensive and exclusive Sweetface, representing outfits for parties and formal receptions. Cost of JustSweet models will not exceed $50-100, which will make it accessible to all categories of fashionistas. “JustSweet is a classic with a touch of frivolity, carrying a spirit of fun and flirtation. These are stylish and inexpensive clothes for those who are young at heart, says Jennifer Lopez. “These outfits will give young girls the appearance of experience and sophistication, and representatives of the older generation, thanks to my models, will feel younger, while remaining examples of style.”

Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera surprises millions of her fans