Seaweed helps you lose weight

Brown algae containing alginates can be a real discovery in the fight against excess weight. This was confirmed by research conducted by specialists from the University of Copenhagen. As a result of the experiment, scientists came to the conclusion that consuming alginates helps reduce weight and improve the general condition of the body.

The study involved 96 overweight people who were divided into two groups. Half of the participants drank a special alginate drink three times a day before meals, while the other half did not receive any supplements. After 12 weeks of the experiment, scientists found that people who drank the drink with alginates lost an average of 1.7 kg more than those who did not receive such supplements.

It turned out that alginates contained in brown algae form a gel in the stomach, which increases the volume of food and creates a feeling of fullness. Thanks to this, a person begins to eat less food, which leads to weight loss. In addition, alginates help reduce the amount of fat in the body, which also has a positive effect on overall health.

Experts note that their discovery can help many people fight excess weight. Algae with alginates can be used as an additional remedy in a comprehensive weight loss program. However, before you start using such supplements, you need to consult your doctor and follow the recommendations of specialists.