The plot of the dream depends on the posture

The content of dreams has always attracted the attention and aroused the interest of scientists and ordinary people. What determines our dream reality? A recent study conducted by scientists from the University of Hong Kong offers an interesting answer to this question. It turns out that the position in which we sleep can influence the content of our dreams.

The study, which involved 670 students, allowed scientists to identify a connection between sleep position and the type of dreams people have. The volunteers described in detail their usual sleeping positions and talked about what dreams they most often see. Researchers have found that stomach sleepers are more likely to experience erotic dreams and nightmares.

One possible explanation for this phenomenon is related to difficulty breathing while sleeping in a prone position. The brain reacts to this physiological feature in different ways. In some cases this manifests itself in the form of sexual images and dreams, and in other cases it manifests itself in the form of a feeling of persecution and constraint, which leads to nightmares.

Interestingly, according to research, approximately every tenth dream people have is of a sexual nature. This indicates the importance of sleep posture and its influence on our mental activity during the night's rest.

Although the study provides interesting data, it should be noted that it has some limitations. First, it was conducted on a relatively small sample of students, which limits its generalizability to the general population. In addition, the results described may be subject to subjective factors, as they are based on self-reports from study participants.

However, this study is a step toward understanding how physical factors such as sleep position can influence our mental activity and dream reality. Further research in this area may shed even more light on this interesting and mysterious topic.
