How to choose the right shoes for the gym and gym?

Let's say right away: the wrong choice in this matter can cost you, at best, incomplete returns from your training, and at worst, an annoying sports injury that can knock you out of your training rhythm for a whole month. It is for this reason that you need to wisely select shoes for the gym and gym. This review will tell you how best to do this...

Since any physical activity for a bodybuilder or fitness model consists of two major components: aerobic training and strength training, in terms of your equipment you must be prepared for each of them:

Strength training, by definition, involves serious weightlifting work with barbells and impressive weights. And this, as you know, leaves its mark on the choice of shoes. It should be tough, but stable, with a hard sole and a mandatory small heel. All this is to increase stability and eliminate even the possibility of losing balance while performing complex exercises, such as:

  1. Squats,
  2. Deadlifts,
  3. Pulls to the chin and waist.
  4. Shrugs.
  5. Army presses.
  6. And others.

Aerobic training, as opposed to strength training, involves your increased physical activity:

  1. You will have to run, no matter: on a treadmill in the cardio zone of the gym or outside in the stadium.
  2. You will need to actively pedal a stationary bike or bicycle.
  3. How about jumping rope or hitting a punching bag?
  4. Or maybe you would prefer walking on an orbit track or dancing using a step platform?

All of these options for physical activity require light, soft, comfortable shoes that do not interfere with cyclic calf raises. Comfort is also important to us: so that nothing rubs or stings during our work, and also so that we don’t get hot and our feet don’t sweat...

In our opinion, it is best to find a middle ground - some universal shoes for the gym and gym. And this golden mean, in our opinion, is sneakers. Ideally, Reebok sneakers are the best choice for an athlete of any skill level. They are great for running, cycling, boxing, dancing and cardio. They are also suitable for working with barbells and heavy weights, you just need to choose a model with a stable rubberized sole.

By the way, the majority of the respondents we surveyed prefer sneakers both for working in the gym and for training in the gym. Answering the question: where to buy sports shoes, we recommend: here is an excellent online store for sneakers. You will definitely find a suitable pair for yourself, both for fitness and bodybuilding. At the same time, quite affordable prices will pleasantly surprise you.

And remember the golden rule: during training, you and your clothes and shoes are a single whole. Therefore, take the choice of your equipment as seriously as possible. This will protect you from sports injuries and other annoying troubles. Read us and be healthy!

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