How a sleepless night lifts your spirits

It turns out that a night without sleep does not always deprive you of strength, but can even lift your spirits.

Women need more sleep than men. Scientists from Britain and Holland came to these conclusions during a study of the daily routine and body condition. Experts carefully studied the composition of blood plasma depending on the time of wakefulness and discovered an interesting effect.

Researchers have noticed that a day without sleep changes the composition of the blood. To be precise, insomnia affects 27 components of our blood, including serotonin, taurine and tryptophan. Their number increases depending on the decrease in sleep.

Since the substances mentioned above have a pronounced antidepressant effect, an increased mood is observed in a person who has not had enough sleep. Scientists have concluded that in this way the body tries to fight stress, which is inevitable due to lack of sleep.

Scientists also do not recommend using this effect in the fight against depression, since lack of sleep provokes health problems.