What will help you to overcome insomnia with a guarantee: the development of Silicon Valley scientists

Insomnia is a problem that affects many people in the world. It can be caused by stress, overwork, illness and other factors. Not being able to fall asleep or waking up in the middle of the night can lead to fatigue, irritability and even depression. People suffering from insomnia often turn to medications, but they are not always effective and can have side effects. However, a new method has recently been developed that guarantees 100% results - sleeping in a spray.

This new invention was created by two young startups from Silicon Valley - Ben Yu and Deven Soni. They were able to develop a sleep spray that helps regulate sleep cycles and improves sleep quality. The main components of the spray are melatonin, tyrosine and distilled water. One bottle contains 60 doses, enough for one person for a month. The spray should be sprayed on the skin in the neck area twice within an hour before bedtime.

The main component of the spray is melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and wakefulness cycles in the human body. However, taking melatonin in tablet form is not always effective, since some of the hormone does not reach the necessary centers in the body. Additionally, taking a typical dose of melatonin tablets can raise blood levels of the hormone up to 20-fold, which can cause side effects.

Sleep in a spray is developed on the principle of transdermal delivery of melatonin, which allows you to deliver hormone molecules to the body without a shock dose. This means that the spray contains 30 times less sleep hormone than a typical dose of melatonin tablets, allowing you to naturally regulate sleep and improve its quality.

Although sleeping in a spray is an effective way to combat insomnia, no one yet knows what the consequences of regular use may be. Doctors from the American Cancer Society noted that melatonin can interact in a negative way with blood thinners and diabetes medications. Therefore, before using sleep spray, you should consult your doctor.

In any case, sleeping in a spray is an innovative way to combat insomnia, which was developed by young scientists from Silicon Valley. It helps regulate sleep cycles and improve its quality without serious side effects. Before using the spray, you should consult your doctor to avoid possible interactions with other medications. Sleep Spray is a new innovative product that allows you to control the dose of melatonin and deliver it to the body naturally. It can be an excellent alternative to traditional medications for insomnia and help many people improve their sleep and quality of life.