How to lose weight quickly: Insanity - fitness for the desperate

What to do to lose weight as quickly as possible? The version from the joke “cutting off a leg” is not our method. This means you have to work at a crazy pace. It is precisely for such desperate people that the Insanity fitness program was invented. Want to know what it is? Then read our material!

Insanity (literal translation of insanity - madness) is one of the most popular home workout programs in the world. It is designed for 60 days, training 6 times a week (different every day), one day off. The program has a special calendar that tells you which workout to do on which day. This fitness is not gender specific and is suitable for both women and men.

What could be more revealing of a fitness program than before and after photos? The results of these women who underwent Insanity are impressive and inspiring!

The first Insanity program was released in 2009, its author was the famous Hollywood fitness trainer Shaun T.

He says this about his program: “Get ready to dig deep into your fitness routine and experience the most powerful fitness workout you've ever done in your life. This may be the hardest workout program ever released on DVD. But if you decide that you are capable of taking the bar to a new level, join me. Beachbody CEO Carl Deikeler asked me to create Insanity with one goal in mind: to give you the opportunity to get in shape like you've never been before in just 60 days. This is not an empty promise. Using my workout formula, I created an intense 60-day full-body workout program. I will alternate between explosive cardio and strength exercises, plyometrics, core work, and stability exercises. This is the first step out of the “impossible”. You will experience the power of Maximum Interval Training. It is she who will change your body. From now on, for the next 60 days, you will be on edge. You will need energy and self-confidence to overcome this challenge. You will become strong, slim and fit. And although you will be exhausted and exhausted after each workout, you will still feel like you have conquered Everest.”

In general, this is very high intensity interval training with jumping, squats, lunges and push-ups. The big advantage of Insanity is that you don’t need anything other than a small space for training. All movements are made only using your body weight, no dumbbells or weights.

If you want to try what it's like to be truly crazy, remember that to train using the Insanity system you need:

  1. Initially have good physical shape. So if you've never exercised before, start with something easier.

  2. Stick to your diet. Fatty, sweet foods during training can make you feel bad, as there is a lot of stress on the internal organs.

  3. Be prepared to practice regularly. This is not just a workout, it is a fitness program calculated according to a specific algorithm. Any glitch in the schedule will ruin your results.

  4. Consult your doctor. This paragraph applies to people who have health problems and who are prohibited from certain types of physical activity.

In Ukraine several years ago there was a big boom in Insanity, and now some sports clubs even have qualified trainers for this program. If you know that you won’t be able to fully exercise at home, sign up for group training. There you are guaranteed to find like-minded people, support and motivation!