How to build huge shoulders?

Broad, massive shoulders attract attention even more than a pumped chest, giving a huge visual plus to the entire figure. Impressive deltas add masculinity and brutality to its owner. Therefore, the question of how to pump up huge shoulders arises for many, but not everyone knows how to implement this in practice.

Technically, this is not difficult if you know the structural features of the deltoid muscle and some important nuances of the anatomy of our body. Although, of course, you can’t do it without hard work.

The first thing I would like to draw your attention to is the width of the shoulders. Agree: even if you have impressive, swinging delts, but don’t have that same oblique fathom, your appearance will not be at all harmonious. Consequently, we need to somehow develop this oblique fathom, and for this we need to increase the volume of the chest. It is clear that this is not a question of a week, or even a month. This requires years of constant and painstaking work...

  1. How to enlarge and expand the chest?
  2. We work on the deltoid muscles.
  3. Rear delt exercises that should follow general shoulder exercises:

How to enlarge and expand the chest?

Sports medicine experts have long proven that a number of specialized exercises have a very positive effect on the width of your chest and, as a result, the width of your shoulders. These are the exercises:

  1. Pull-ups with a wide grip behind the head.
  2. Breath pullovers.
  3. Wiring according to maximum amplitude.

Even if you are very thin and have a puny, ectomorphic physique, the proposed exercises, performed regularly over several years, will help you radically change the situation for the better...

We work on the deltoid muscles.

In parallel with working on increasing the width of the chest, you need to increase the volume of deltas. How to do this correctly will be discussed further.

However, simply pumping the rear deltoid in isolation will not achieve results. And the secret is that for effective development, you first need exercises that load all three deltoid bundles. This is primarily a bench press of a barbell, dumbbells or kettlebells on the shoulders while sitting and standing.

After working the entire deltoid muscle in several approaches, you need to move on to working the lagging bundle. It is the posterior deltoid bundle - the most important - that is usually given little attention, but the anterior one is often loaded, although it already works well, for example, in the bench press.

Rear delt exercises that should follow general shoulder exercises:

  1. bent over dumbbell fly,
  2. alternate rear delt dumbbell rows,
  3. breeding in the simulator.

First, 3-5 approaches of general exercises are performed for the entire deltoid, then 3-5 approaches for the posterior bundle. It makes sense to work on the anterior and middle delta bundles at later stages of development.

It is enough to do shoulder exercises once a week.

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