Nutritional supplements. The benefits and harms of food additives

Remember that miracles food additives - this is partly publicity stunt, which all manufacturers resort to. In most cases, these are all unfounded exaggerations consumer properties. All manufacturers would have to spend huge savings on truly high-quality and reliable scientific research. But not everyone can handle this financial burden.

That is why, to this day, there are no balanced arguments in favor of this or that product.

The poor quality of research is simply due to the desire to quickly release a new product, properly advertising it. In fact, studying additives observed on a limited number of subjects, among whom are often old people or children. Therefore, it is time to doubt the validity of the data. drugs. However, incurring extra costs is not the only reason; more often than not, manufacturers are afraid that they will receive a negative research result that is alien to promises commercials.

So should you believe the advertising? And won't we get harm instead of benefit?

It turns out: we, the consumers, must understand and clearly establish the actual benefits or harms of food additives by conducting these missing studies on our own organisms, naturally hoping for the best, but also preparing for the negative results of this experiment. In other words, we are, to some extent, taking risks. And the bet in this game is our one and only health. So decide, every man for himself? to play this gambling, risky game or not...

It is for this reason that a new trend has recently emerged in the “world of iron sports” with the eloquent name “natural bodybuilding”. Adherents of this trend fundamentally refuse all kinds of pharmacological chemistry and additives. They try to build their bodies using only normal everyday food. No steroids, dietary supplements or other chemicals. Well, our dear reader, the choice is yours: to train with or without chemistry. In any case, the answer to this question is purely individual, and you yourself have the right to decide whether to risk your health or not...

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