The principle of consistency in bodybuilding and fitness.

Many newcomers have one very common stereotype. It seems to them that in order to be strong and muscular, it is necessary to train in the gym, lift super-heavy, sub-limit weights, work exclusively on modern, innovative sports equipment, etc., etc... And without all this, there is absolutely no way.

But let's remember the founders of World bodybuilding. People like Eugene Sandow, Georg Hackenschmidt, and the same famous Vader brothers worked on building their bodies, literally speaking, without anything. At the same time, there wasn’t really any sports equipment at all, and you couldn’t even dream of equipped gyms.

And nothing! People have achieved unprecedented heights even without all this! And why? Yes, because they had a desire! The desire to change yourself. Improve. Make you stronger, healthier, more muscular. So the founders of modern bodybuilding trained with just dumbbells, kettlebells, well, and a barbell, and even a cast, ball barbell, but this did not stop them from becoming famous and known throughout the World.

How did they manage to achieve all this with such a minimal arsenal of equipment? The answer is simple: the principle of consistency in bodybuilding and fitness is the basis of the entire teaching about bodybuilding, so to speak, the fundamental stone on which all success in this sport has always rested and has always rested. If you visit the gym just once and pump yourself up to capacity, you will achieve absolutely nothing! But by studying regularly and constantly, never even giving yourself a chance to indulge and skip a class, you will eventually be able to stand on a par with the above-mentioned famous personalities. Of course, this takes years. But no one said it would be easy. This is the principle of consistency: You need to reshape your entire lifestyle. Make sports a good habit that you won’t be able to give up. You need to get sick of this, like an incurable disease, and only then will you achieve real impressive success.

What? Still don't have dumbbells at home? – then go to the nearest store to buy them quickly!!!

...although in our high-tech times it is not at all necessary to run to the store yourself. I think that, probably, in every more or less run-down town there is a local online sporting goods store where you can easily find a suitable model for yourself, and they will even arrange delivery to you directly to your home. For example, our range of sports equipment is simply amazing in its breadth. The prices are quite reasonable, plus they will give you a discount, there is a bonus system, and, of course, prompt delivery to your home. We recommend! It is very comfortable!

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