Extraordinary facts about sleep: 10 facts that will shock you

Since time immemorial, dreams have been a mystery for humanity, which it never stops trying to unravel. In addition to the fact that in dreams a person’s consciousness is often revealed and moments that excite the personality are revealed, dreams are also one of the ways to communicate with the subtle world. Now here are 10 unusual facts about dreams.

  1. Blind people “see” dreams
    People who are blind after birth can see dreams in the form of pictures. People who are blind from birth do not see pictures, but their dreams are filled with sounds, smells and tactile sensations.

  2. We forget 90% of dreams
    Five minutes after waking up, we no longer remember half of our dreams, and after ten minutes we can hardly remember 10% of them. There are cases when poets, writers, and scientists had dreams in which they wrote poetry, prose, or came up with a new scientific theory.

  3. Everyone dreams, without exception.
    All people (except those with severe mental disorders) dream, but men and women dream differently.

  4. Dreams prevent psychosis
    Recently, scientists conducted an experiment: subjects were given the required 8 hours of sleep, but were woken up in the initial phase of each sleep. After three days, all participants in the experiment, without exception, experienced difficulty concentrating, hallucinations, unexplained irritability and the first signs of psychosis.

  5. We only dream what we saw
    In our dreams we often see strangers, but we have no idea that our consciousness is not inventing their faces. These are the faces of real people, those whom we saw during our lives, but did not remember.

  6. Not everyone can dream in color
    About 12% of sighted people only dream in black and white.

  7. Dreams are not literal
    Our subconscious uses the language of signs and symbols.

  8. Former smokers have more vivid dreams
    Former smokers have more intense and real dreams than other people.

  9. External stimuli affect our dreams
    Each of us has experienced this at least once: the subconscious makes the physical sensation that we experience at the moment part of the dream.

  10. During sleep we are paralyzed
    Believe it or not, our body is practically paralyzed during sleep, mainly to prevent the body from repeating the movements that occur during sleep.