Are knee pads necessary for fitness and bodybuilding?

I think we are all familiar with such a common sports accessory as knee pads. They are actively used by athletes in such dynamic team sports as volleyball, handball, as well as traumatic disciplines such as rugby and American football. They must be worn while roller skating, and even modern outdoor team games such as paintball and laser tag cannot do without this important element of sports equipment. In fact, we need this accessory in those sports disciplines where there is a risk of falling on your knees, followed by an annoying injury. Or it doesn’t even have to be a fall, but for example, in cases where a stand on one knee is used - one of the most convenient positions for shooting in paintball. In general, we need it so as not to damage the skin of our knees...

But here’s a logical question: do we need such elements of sportswear as knee pads for fitness and bodybuilding? Do they have a place in iron sports? Or is it possible to completely do without them? Let's find out...

As you know, most bodybuilding exercises are slow and fluid. The explosive execution mode is used in very extreme cases, and only for certain muscle groups. All exercises are performed from positions: standing, sitting or lying down. So, at first glance, we don’t need knee pads at all... And how many bodybuilders or fitness beauties have you seen in the gym wearing knee pads? – I think definitely a little.

However, there is a small number of exercises in which the starting position is just on your knees. This could be a French press from the knees on a block frame or, as we previously studied here, abdominal curls with resistance on the same block machine... Plus, to all this you can also add a wrestling bridge, to enter which, without an initial emphasis You just can't get down on your knees. And also banal push-ups - remember how you take the starting position for this exercise? – probably kneeling down first. Well, and, of course, the Planck exercise in all its variations - here you often have to crawl on your knees before you take the starting position.

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