Sexy abs in 14 days: how to remove belly fat

The female abdomen is one of those areas where fat can be retained much longer than in other places on the body. But don't despair, there are ways to remove belly fat and make your abs sexy and attractive. In this article we will look at several simple but effective methods that will help you achieve the desired result in just 14 days.

Massage to reduce belly fat

Massage is one of the most pleasant and useful ways to reduce belly fat. You can take a massage course from a specialist or perform self-massage. In any case, a vacuum massager or honey massage can be excellent helpers in this task.

For a honey massage, apply honey to the stomach and sides, rub it in your palms to warm it to body temperature, and place your hands on the skin so that they stick. Next, carefully and slowly, centimeter by centimeter, tear off your hands so that the honey is removed from the skin. Do not make sudden movements to avoid bruising. Perform a massage for 10 minutes every day. The course consists of 10 procedures.

Honey perfectly tightens the skin and stimulates the reduction of the fat layer, so this method can be very effective.

Nutrition to reduce belly fat

Nutrition plays an important role in reducing belly fat. To lose belly fat, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and increase the amount of protein in your diet. It is also worth giving up flour products and limiting your consumption of cereals (they should be eaten only in the first half of the day).

Eat cottage cheese with fruit or oatmeal in the morning, vegetable, fish or chicken soup for lunch, and meat or fish with vegetables for dinner. Use fermented milk products as snacks.

There are many foods that help reduce belly fat, such as goji berries, spinach, grapefruit, green tea and nuts. Including these foods in your diet may also be beneficial.

Cardio to reduce belly fat

Cardio exercise is a great way to lose belly fat. Running, race walking, exercise on a stepper or orbitrack - choose what you like and do it every day. Set aside time in the morning or evening to devote to cardio.

Exercises to reduce belly fat

Pumping up your abdominal muscles is another important step on the path to sexy abs. To achieve the desired result, you need to regularly do abdominal exercises. Don't overdo it: for a girl who constantly works out, it is enough to do abdominal exercises 3 times a week to give the muscles a chance to rest. If you are just starting to get in shape, pump your abs 5-6 times a week.

There are many abdominal exercises that you can do at home without additional equipment. Some of them are pretzels, crunches, planks, side bends and more. Look for video lessons on the Internet or contact a trainer to create an individual set of exercises.


Losing belly fat and getting sexy abs in 14 days is possible, but it requires effort and persistence. Massage, nutrition, cardio and abdominal exercises - all these methods can help you achieve the desired result. But remember that every body is unique, so you should not compare your progress with the progress of other people. Follow your goals and enjoy the process!