Scientists have found a vitamin that increases immunity 1000 times

Superbugs and superviruses have become a serious problem for humanity because they have developed defenses against most human-made drugs. But scientists from the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University managed to find a new solution to this problem. This could be vitamin B3, also known as niacinamide.

Studies have shown that taking vitamin B3 in large doses increases the number and efficiency of white blood cells - neutrophils, which mainly protect the body from infections. A series of tests showed that powerful doses of niacinamide briefly boosted the immune system to a level at which no infection could survive.

Researchers were able to increase immunity 1,000-fold, while white blood cells were able to easily suppress infection by Staphylococcus aureus and other deadly pathogens. The discovery of the properties of vitamin B3 allows you to boost your immune system in a natural way. This research opens up new ways to treat staph infections, which can be fatal in some cases.

“Here we harness the power of the innate immune system and stimulate it to provide a more powerful and natural immune response that even antibiotic- and drug-resistant infections and viruses cannot resist,” says one of the study’s authors, Professor Adrian Gombard.

However, it is not yet known how long-term use of vitamin B3 in powerful doses will affect the body. Scientists are planning to conduct a new large-scale study on this topic.

So, the discovery of the properties of vitamin B3 represents a big step towards combating deadly infections that have become a serious problem for humanity. If research confirms the effectiveness of vitamin B3 in fighting infections, this will open up new opportunities for naturally strengthening the immune system and more effectively treating various diseases.