How to get yourself off the couch: 5 best videos for sports motivation

Psychologists recommend not starting new things on Monday. But most of us still choose this day to start a new life. We believe that it doesn't matter when you start doing something useful, like playing sports. The main thing is motivation, and we will give it to you!

When it comes to regular training, motivation is much more important than having free time, money and a good trainer. Some people are forced to pull themselves together by a new tight dress, others by a photo of their ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. And if you don’t have such serious motivating factors, watch these videos. We guarantee that the desire to go to the gym will arise immediately!

  1. How exercise helps in other areas of life

And let's start, perhaps, with the most pleasing video for the female eye. Ukrainian ballet dancer Sergei Polunin creates real magic on the floor to the very cool music of Hozier – Take Me To Church.

And if you think that such a body and plasticity are available only to professional dancers, then we will tell you a secret - this is not so. For ordinary people, there is a fitness style that is based on ballet training and movements - body ballet. So, it’s unlikely that after this dance you still have excuses not to sign up for training!

  1. Don't want ballet? Let's do something hotter, like pole-dancing.

Dancer and fitness trainer Karo Swen shows such a pole dance that you can’t even believe that a person can do this.

The world has long moved away from the cliché that pole-dance is a striptease. This is real fitness, and it requires a lot of strength, dedication and energy expenditure. By the way, pole-dance is considered one of the most effective sports for creating a beautiful body shape. Well, are you ready to try yourself on the pole?

  1. Who said there is no romance in sports?

Yoga trainers Hagar Tsabar and Elad Sadeh prove the opposite! This is a real dance of two lovers, expressed in acrobatic yoga asanas.

By the way, the absence of a partner is not a problem. Yoga rooms are one of those places where you can not only improve your body, but also meet a like-minded person (and maybe love).

  1. There is no age for sports.

And you will be convinced of this when you see what these pensioners are capable of!

Now ask yourself the question “Do I really not want to live to be 90 years old and have the same body?” It is unlikely that after the answer, you will want to continue lying on the couch.

  1. They play sports to become healthier and achieve the body of their dreams.

And by the way, don’t let the image of fitness beauties created by advertising scare you. These women are not perfect, but they are beautiful in their desire to be better.

It's time to prove to ourselves that we are no worse. Get your sneakers out from under the sofa, we're going to train!