Scientists have named a new factor in the development of cancer

American scientists from the University of Georgia published a study according to which malignant tumors can grow uncontrollably due to hypoxia, that is, a lack of oxygen in cells.

This conclusion is completely at odds with the previously dominant belief in oncology that genetic mutations are entirely responsible for the occurrence and development of cancer in the human body. Thus, if the Americans' findings are confirmed, oncologists will have to radically reconsider current cancer treatment methods.

The essence of the experiments conducted in Georgia and described in the Journal of Molecular Cell Biology was as follows. The scientists took samples of RNA transcription (the process of synthesizing RNA using DNA as a template, or transferring genetic information from DNA to RNA) from seven different types of cancer (breast, kidney, liver, lung, ovarian, pancreatic and stomach cancer) - and analyzed them using a common database. It turned out that in many cases the key factor in tumor development was the lack or prolonged absence of oxygen.

Previously, scientists had already suggested a connection between oxygen and the development of cancer, but had no evidence that this factor could be a driving force. There is now no doubt: the high rates of cancer worldwide cannot be explained by random genetic mutations. This means that modern therapy quite naturally fails: after all, the drugs prescribed today are aimed at destroying the mutation at the molecular level, while cancer continues to develop completely unhindered.
